

The simplest method to install the library and build the examples is to use CMake. For the default install, we suggest the following. First, extract the source

tar -zxvf yee_crbc_lib.tar.gz

We suggest building the library in a separate directory. For this example we will call the directory ‘build’. Then, we simply have to invoke CMake.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../yee_crbc_lib
make install

This will install the library and build the examples.

The library uses some functionality of C++11. For most modern compilers, we have found that it is not necessary to include any special compiler flags to use these features (e.g. Intel 15+, GNU 4.8+). However, some compilers do require we specifically tell it to use C++11. At this time it appears that CMake only identifies these flags correctly for the GNU compilers, so it may be necessary to tell CMake to include the appropriate flag. For example:

cmake ../yee_crbc_lib -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-std=c++11

The correct flag varies by compiler. Also note that if your compiler uses the GNU STL implementation, it is necessary that the GNU library version be >=4.8.


There are additional options that can be enabled.

Shared Library

To build the shared version of the library use the command


Install Path

The default install places the library file in /usr/local/lib and places the header files in /usr/local/include/yeecrbc, although this behavior can vary from system to system. The install can be changed to place the library in /usr/lib and the headers in /usr/include/yeecrbc, for example, by adding the following CMake option.


Example Locations

By default the examples are built in the build directory, so they can be found in <path>/build/examples. They can be built at another location by setting the example_dir variable. From the command line you can change by adding the option

-Dexample_dir:STRING="<path to install examples>"

Index and Data Types

The defaults are to use the int type for indexing and the double type for the field data type and coefficient data type. In the C interfaces, the indexing type can be changed to the long int or long long data type by adding the following command line options to the CMake invocation




Similarly, the data type we use for a majority of the computations can be changed from the default type of double to float by adding the following


and the coefficient data type can be changed from double to float with


Note that the underlying C++ code and interfaces is templated on the index and data types, so these commands only affect the C interfaces.

Save and Restart

The library includes the optional ability to save the state of the boundary updater and restart from a previously saved state. This functionality requires the use of the HDF5 library. To enable this function from the command line add the following to the CMake invocation



Another option is to enable OpenMP threading. To do this, add



To build in Debug mode, add


Some additionaly error checking and messages can be enabled with the option


Note that builds with these options enabled significantly degrades performance.


CMake Linking

In order to link with Cmake, a CMakeLists.txt file should include

find_package(yeecrbc REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(foo yeecrbc)

Depending on the install location Cmake may or may not be able to locate the libraries configuration file. If it is not found, the variable yeecrbc_DIR needs to be set to the install location. Using the default install settings this can be done with the following CMake command


Alternatively, this can be set in the CMakeLists.txt file by adding

set(yeecrbc_DIR "/usr/local/lib")

Manual Linking

To link to the library, add -lyeecrbc to the compile string. If the library was not installed in a standard path, it is necessary to provide the path to the library and the header files. For example, using the typical default install settings

-L/usr/local/lib -lyeecrbc -I/usr/local/include/yeecrbc

Since the majority of the library is written in C++, -lstdc++ is often needed to compile.

If the HDF5 restart capability is enabled, the HDF library also needs to be included in the linking. Typically, this is done with -lhdf5. If the threading is enabled, the appropriate OpenMP compiler flag needs to be included. For the GNU compilers, the flag is -fopenmp; for Intel compilers, the flag is -openmp; and for Portland Group compilers, the flag is -mp.

Running Dynamically Linked Executables

When using the shared version of the library, it may be necessary to provide the path to the library when executing a program. There are a number of way to do this, but the easiest way to do this is to specify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example (in bash)

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib


To uninstall the library, simply delete the file /usr/local/lib/libyeecrbc.a and the folder /usr/local/include/yeecrbc. Note that the location of the include folder and the library file may vary from system to system and depends on the install configurations. In general the paths are <prefix>/lib/libyeecrbc.a and <prefix>/include/crbc.