General Usage

Typical Work Flow

Procedure for Calling the Library

To use the library, the basic workflow is

                     | initialize updater object |
                     | initialize boundary faces |
         ------------------> | time step |--------------------
         ^                   -------------                   |
         |                                                   |
         |                                                   v
---------------------      -------------------      ---------------------
| copy new boundary |      |  updater object |      |  copy new values  |
|  values into the  | <----|  computes new   | <----|  into the updater |
|      solver       |      | boundary values |      |      object       |
---------------------      -------------------      ---------------------

Initializing an Updater Object

To begin, a boundary updater object needs to be initialized. Currently, there are three interfaces available: a 3D FDTD/Yee interface in C, a 2D interface in C, and the underlying C++ interface. In all three cases, a boundary object is created in a similar manner. Each interface has three initializers: one to use the default number of recursions (which we have set to 5), one to set the number of recursions to use to a specific number, and finally one that chooses the number of recursions to use based on a provided tolerance.

In the 3D FDTD/Yee interface these initializers are

// create a new updater object with default settings
YeeCrbcUpdater* CRBC_new_updater (const CoefType T,
                                  const CoefType h[3],
                                  const CoefType dt,
                                  const CoefType c,
                                  const CRBC_Boundaries_t boundaries[6]);

// create a new updater object and specify the number of recursions
YeeCrbcUpdater* CRBC_new_updater_p (const CoefType T,
                                    const CoefType h[3],
                                    const CoefType dt,
                                    const CoefType c,
                                    const CRBC_Boundaries_t boundaries[6],
                                    const int P);

// create a new updater object and specify the a tolerance for the recursions
YeeCrbcUpdater* CRBC_new_updater_tol (const CoefType T,
                                      const CoefType h[3],
                                      const CoefType dt,
                                      const CoefType c,
                                      const CRBC_Boundaries_t boundaries[6],
                                      const int Pmax,
                                      const double tol);

Where the return type is provided by the library and is simply defined as

struct YeeCrbcUpdater;
typedef struct YeeCrbcUpdater YeeCrbcUpdater;

The CoefType is defined when the library is compiled and can either be double or float for the C interfaces and is a template parameter for the C++ interfaces. Finally the CRBC_Boundaries_t is an enumeration type provided by the library defined

typedef enum CRBC_Side {
  CRBC_XLeft,  /**< Left side in the x-coordinate direction */
  CRBC_XRight, /**< Right side in the x-coordinate direction */
  CRBC_YLeft,  /**< Left side in the y-coordinate direction */
  CRBC_YRight, /**< Right side in the y-coordinate direction */
  CRBC_ZLeft,  /**< Left side in the z-coordinate direction */
  CRBC_ZRight  /**< Right side in the z-coordinate direction */
} CRBC_Side_t;

The 2D interface is almost exactly the same:

// create a new updater object with default settings
CrbcUpdater2d* CRBC2d_new_updater (const CoefType T,    // total time
                                   const CoefType h[2], // grid spacings
                                   const CoefType dt,   // time step
                                   const CoefType c,    // wave speed
                                   const CRBC2d_Boundaries_t boundaries[4]);

// create a new updater object and specify the number of recursions
CrbcUpdater2d* CRBC2d_new_updater_p (const CoefType T,
                                     const CoefType h[2],
                                     const CoefType dt,
                                     const CoefType c,
                                     const CRBC2d_Boundaries_t boundaries[4],
                                     const int P);

//  create a new updater object and specify the a tolerance for the recursions
CrbcUpdater2d* CRBC2d_new_updater_tol (const CoefType T,
                                     const CoefType h[2],
                                     const CoefType dt,
                                     const CoefType c,
                                     const CRBC2d_Boundaries_t boundaries[4],
                                     const int Pmax,
                                     const double tol);

Finally, the C++ interface differs somewhat.

/// Constructor --- initialize only the parameters that are common to all of
/// the faces in all circumstances.
CrbcUpdates (const CoefType &T,
             const CoefType h[DIM],
             const CoefType &dt,
             const CoefType &c,
             const Boundary boundaries[2*DIM]);

/// Constructor --- initialize only the parameters that are common to all of
/// the faces and set the number of recursions to be P in all directions
CrbcUpdates (const CoefType &T,
             const CoefType h[DIM],
             const CoefType &dt,
             const CoefType &c,
             const Boundary boundaries[2*DIM],
             const int &P);

/// Constructor --- initialize only the parameters that are common to all of
/// the faces and set the number of recursions to be calculated based on the
/// provided tolerance
CrbcUpdates (const CoefType &T,
             const CoefType h[DIM],
             const CoefType &dt,
             const CoefType &c,
             const Boundary boundaries[2*DIM],
             const int &Pmax,
             const double &tol);

Initializing Boundary Faces

The library requires that each of the boundary faces (or sides in 2D) are initialized individually. We do this for a number of reasons, but the most important is the fact that each boundary face may pose a different degree of difficulty.

On each face, the boundary updater expects to get two things. The first is the parameter, \(\delta\), which represents the separation from the boundary face to any sources, scatterers, or other inhomogeneities. The second is the data extents that will serve as in the inputs an outputs of the library. In order to function correctly, these extents need to include all of the points on the boundary as well as the parallel plane (or line in 2D) of points immediately interior to the boundary.

For example, suppose we have a computational domain with \(n_x\) grid points in the x-direction, \(n_y\) grid points in the y-direction, and \(n_z\) grid points in the z-direction. Then, if we want to set up the boundary face on the right side in the x-direction, we will require all of the points on the boundary, which would be the points at \(i=n_x\), \(j=1,...,n_y\), and \(k=1,...,n_z\) assuming the indexing begins at one. Then we also need the parallel plane of points on the interior side of this boundary, which are the points \(i=n_x-1\), \(j=1,...,n_y\), and \(k=1,...,n_z\). Therefore, our indexing extents should be \([n_x-1, n_x] \times [1, n_y] \times [1, n_z]\). However, the library expects the lower extents to be in one array and the upper extents to be in a second array, so are inputs should be \([n_x-1, 1, 1]\) and \([n_x, n_y , n_z]\) for the lower and upper extents, respectively. Note that the library considers these extents to be inclusive.

For the 3D Yee interface this same procedure needs to be applied all of the components of the E field required to generate the boundary conditions. Note that the library can provide a list of the components it expects by calling the function

// get the components we expect to be inputted into the updater
void CRBC_get_component_inputs (YeeCrbcUpdater *U,
                         const CRBC_Side_t side,
                         CRBC_Fields_t *comp,
                         int *n);

The only odd thing here is the we sometimes require the normal E field component. We note that this component is half of a grid space inside the boundary. In this case, we require the plane of points closest to the boundary and the adjacent parallel plane of points in the interior. These points are only needed as input to update edges and corners.

In all three available interfaces, the function call to initialize the faces are similar. The only practical difference is that in the 3D Yee interface, we also need to know which component is being initialized.

In the 3D Yee interface, the call is

// initialize a component on a face
int CRBC_init_face (YeeCrbcUpdater *U,
                    const CRBC_Side_t side,
                    const CRBC_Fields_t comp,
                    const IndexType low_index[3],
                    const IndexType high_index[3],
                    const double delta);

In the 2D interface, the call is

// initialize a boundary side
int CRBC2d_init_face (CrbcUpdater2d *U,
                      const CRBC2d_Side_t side,
                      const IndexType low_index[2],
                      const IndexType high_index[2],
                      const double delta);

Finally, in the C++ interface, the call is

void init_face(const int &side,
               const IndexType low_index[DIM],
               const IndexType high_index[DIM],
               const double &delta);

Copying and Updating Values

The remaining process of using the library is simply passing information back and forth. After the solver used to update the interior values has taken a time step, we need to load the set of points adjacent to the boundary that were updated by the solver. To do this, we ask the boundary updater object to provide us with the indexing extents it expects to receive as inputs. Depending on the interface, this is one of the following calls

void CRBC_get_input_extents (YeeCrbcUpdater *U,
                     const CRBC_Side_t side,
                     const CRBC_Fields_t comp,
                     IndexType low[3],
                     IndexType high[3]);

void CRBC2d_get_input_extents (CrbcUpdater2d *U,
                     const CRBC2d_Side_t side,
                     IndexType low[2],
                     IndexType high[2]);

void get_input_extents(const int &side,
                       IndexType low[DIM],
                       IndexType high[DIM]) const;

Then, we simply copy the values from the solver into the boundary updater object at these extents using one of the following calls, depending on the interface,

void CRBC_load_face_data (YeeCrbcUpdater *U,
                          const CRBC_Side_t side,
                          const CRBC_Fields_t comp,
                          const IndexType P[3],
                          const ScalarType *val);

void CRBC2d_load_face_data (CrbcUpdater2d *U,
                            const CRBC2d_Side_t side,
                            const IndexType P[2],
                            const ScalarType *val);

void load_face_data(const int &side,
                    const IndexType P[DIM],
                    const DataType &val);

After doing this on all of the sides with a CRBC/DAB boundary condition, we can ask the boundary updater object to compute the boundary objects with one of

int CRBC_compute_updates (YeeCrbcUpdater *U);

int CRBC2d_compute_updates (CrbcUpdater2d *U);

void compute_updates();

Finally, we need to copy the updated boundary values into the solver. We do this by asking the boundary updater object for extents it thinks it should output data for and then copying the values. We note, of the 3D Yee interface, that it is not necessary to copy the normal E field components into the solver because they should already be correct (we needed the values to handle edges and corners). This process involves first calling

void CRBC_get_output_extents (YeeCrbcUpdater *U,
                              const CRBC_Side_t side,
                              const CRBC_Fields_t comp,
                              IndexType low[3],
                              IndexType high[3]);

void CRBC2d_get_output_extents (CrbcUpdater2d *U,
                                const CRBC2d_Side_t side,
                                IndexType low[2],
                                IndexType high[2]);

void get_output_extents(const int &side,
                        IndexType low[DIM],
                        IndexType high[DIM]) const;

and then copying the values using

ScalarType CRBC_get_new_face_vals (YeeCrbcUpdater *U,
                                   const CRBC_Side_t side,
                                   const CRBC_Fields_t comp,
                                   const IndexType P[3]);

ScalarType CRBC2d_get_new_face_vals (CrbcUpdater2d *U,
                                     const CRBC2d_Side_t side,
                                     const IndexType P[2]);

DataType get_new_face_vals(const int &side,
                           const IndexType P[DIM]) const;

This process is repeated every time step.

More Details

For more details, please refer to the Doxygen generated documentation <link>; the documentation contained in the interface header files 3d_yee_crbc_api.h, 2d_crbc_api.h, and crbc_updates.hpp; and the Examples.

Choice of Parameters

The boundary conditions in this library have three basic parameters: the wave speed, \(c\), a separation parameter, \(\delta\), and a time parameter, \(T\). We use these three parameters to form a single dimensionless parameter

\[\eta = \frac{\delta}{c T},\]

which we use as a measure of the difficulty of the simulation. The basic idea is that larger values of \(\eta\) are easier problems and smaller values are harder problems. For instance, \(\eta \geq 1\) implies that a boundary condition is unnecessary because a wave cannot impact it in time \(T\). In the library, we use values of \(1e-8 \leq \eta \leq 0.1\). If the calculated value falls outside of this range, we simply choose \(\eta\) to represent either an “easier” or “harder” problem as appropriate.

The parameter \(\delta\) should be chosen as the minimum distance from the boundary to any sources, scatterers, or other inhomogeneities in the interior of the domain. In general, if this parameter cannot be calculated directly, a safe option is to compute a lower bound on this distance that is greater than zero.

In general, the time parameter \(T\) should be chosen to be the total amount of time that the simulation is being run. However, in cases where all of the energy is expected to leave the domain quickly, particularly free space simulations, it is sometimes reasonable to choose a value of \(T\) that is on the order of the time it will take for all of the energy to leave the domain.


In general, we prefer the tolerance based system provided we have a way to choose a reasonable tolerance. The tolerance is used to control the reflection coefficient of the boundary. We have found that this typically provides a reasonable bound on the relative error and is, therefore, generally better than simply guessing an appropriate number of recursions to use.

As a simple rule, it is best to choose a tolerance that is on the order of the discretization/dispersion error for the length of the simulation. The reason for this is that the accuracy of the boundary condition has little impact if it is more accurate than the discretization error in the interior. Conversely, if the boundary condition is less accurate than the interior, the error from the boundary condition will dominate. That being said, it is often difficult to determine such a tolerance before running simulations.

Number of Recursions

With all else remaining equal, letting the number of recursions go to infinity will result in an analytically exact boundary condition. In computations, this is, of course, impossible. We have set the default number of recursions to be 5. We have chosen this primarily because this has seemed to be a good choice in a majority of our experiments. Additionally, it is roughly comparable in computational work to a PML of 10 cells. For a typical simulation, using 5 recursions usually gives a reflection coefficient that is \(\mathcal{O}(10^{-3})\) or better (with variations depending on the particular problem). Choosing fewer recursions will be less accurate but the computational expense will be less. Choosing more recursions requires more work, but results in greater accuracy.

For reference, the work scales linearly in the number of recursions on the faces, quadratically on the edges, and cubically on the corners. The net result is that work scales linearly on a sufficiently large computational domain (e.g. there are many more points on a face than the number of recursions).