Wave Equation code with CRBC/DAB Boundary Conditions¶
This tutorial explains the code wave_eq.cpp.
This C++ code implements the finite difference time-domain solution of the scalar wave equation using standard second order centered differencing in one, two, and three dimensions. The grid is terminated using Double Absorbing Boundaries (DAB).
This is meant to serve as an example of how one might use the underlying C++ interface to the CRBC/DAB library. This interface is templated and supports up to three dimensions. It is also templated on the internal indexing and data types.
What this program does¶
For this example, we consider the scalar, constant coefficient, wave equation in one, two, and three dimensions.
We discretize using the standard second order centered differences,
where \(\mathbf{e}_i\) is the ith canonical basis vector, \(h_i\) is the grid spacing in the ith coordinate direction, and the time step, \(\Delta t\), is chosen to satisfy the CFL condition
Solving for \(u^{t + \Delta t}(\mathbf{x})\), we get the update equation
The commented program¶
Include files¶
First we define some macros to make the indexing in the code a little bit cleaner.
handles the indexing in 2D and i3d
handles the indexing in 3D.
// define some macros for indexing
#define i2d(i,j) (i + (j)*imax[0])
#define i3d(i,j,k) (i + imax[0]*((j) + (k)*imax[1]))
#define PI std::atan(1.0)*4
We will require the following includes:
This file contains the most generic C++ interface to the CRBC/DAB boundary conditions.
#include <crbc_updates.hpp>
For C++ strings,
#include <string>
So we can append ints to strings, we use
#include <sstream>
Simple file output requires
#include <fstream>
For general output, we need
#include <iostream>
We use this to get std::swap so we can swap pointers for arrays and vectors without having to copy data. Note that as of C++11, std::swap is suppose to move to <utility>, so this may need to be changed depending on your compiler.
#include <algorithm>
This has the declarations of the sqrt()
and abs()
#include <cmath>
wave_equation class¶
We begin by creating a class to handle the wave equation updates along with all of the data. We use templates so that the same code can be used to handle 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. We define everything in the class inline so the example is more contained, but we note that one should typically declare the class and provide the definitions elsewhere.
template <int DIM>
class wave_equation
Data storage¶
First we declare all of the storage that we will need. We declare the boundary
conditions to be of the boundary type that the CRBC library uses internally.
These are provided as an enumeration in the BoundaryProperties
class that
is in the crbc
namespace. For clarity, we always provide the namespace and
class scopes where appropriate. Finally, we declare a CRBC updater object
with the template parameters <DIM, double, int>
so that we are using DIM
dimensions, the field values will be stored as a double
type, and we will use
the int
type for indexing.
// arrays to hold old, current, and new wave equation values
std::vector<double> old_data, cur_data, new_data;
double c; // wave speed
double dt; // time step
double h[DIM]; // grid spacings
int ntsteps; // number of time steps
std::size_t n; // number of grid points
int imax[DIM]; // indexing limits in each direction
int out_freq; // output frequency, in time steps
int src[DIM]; // source location
bool save_output; // flag indicating whether we should save the field vals.
std::string base_name; // base file name for output
// Boundary conditions. We will use the boundaries enumerations provided
// by the BoundaryProperties class in the CRBC library.
crbc::BoundaryProperties::Boundary boundaries[2*DIM];
// a CRBC updater object to handle the boundaries
crbc::CrbcUpdates<DIM, double, int> boundary_updater;
Private Functions¶
This function computes the wave equation updates using standard second order, centered differences for the values in the interior of the domain. For simplicity, we explicitly differentiate each of the possible dimensions.
void time_step() {
int i, j, k;
double b[DIM];
// precompute coefficients
for (i=0; i<DIM; ++i)
b[i] = dt*dt*c*c/(h[i]*h[i]);
// loop over the internal grid points and apply the wave equation
// update in the appropriate number of dimensions
switch (DIM) {
case 1: // 1D
// unew = 2ucur - uold + dt^2*c^2/h_{x}^2 *(u_{x_i-1} - 2u_{x_i} + u_{x_i+1})
for (i=1; i<imax[0]-1; ++i) {
new_data[i] = 2.0*cur_data[i] - old_data[i] \
+ b[0]*(cur_data[i-1] - 2.0*cur_data[i] + cur_data[i+1]);
case 2: // 2D
// unew = 2ucur - uold + dt^2*c^2/h_{x}^2 *(u_{x_i-1} - 2u_{x_i} + u_{x_i+1})
// + dt^2*c^2/h_{y}^2 *(u_{y_i-1} - 2u_{y_i} + u_{y_i+1})
for (j=1; j<imax[1]-1; ++j) {
for (i=1; i<imax[0]-1; ++i) {
new_data[i2d(i,j)] = 2.0*cur_data[i2d(i,j)] - old_data[i2d(i,j)] \
+ b[0]*(cur_data[i2d(i-1,j)] - 2.0*cur_data[i2d(i,j)] \
+ cur_data[i2d(i+1,j)]) \
+ b[1]*(cur_data[i2d(i,j-1)] - 2.0*cur_data[i2d(i,j)] \
+ cur_data[i2d(i,j+1)]);
case 3: // 3D
// unew = 2ucur - uold + dt^2*c^2/h_{x}^2 *(u_{x_i-1} - 2u_{x_i} + u_{x_i+1})
// + dt^2*c^2/h_{y}^2 *(u_{y_i-1} - 2u_{y_i} + u_{y_i+1})
// + dt^2*c^2/h_{z}^2 *(u_{z_i-1} - 2u_{z_i} + u_{z_i+1})
for (k=1; k<imax[2]-1; ++k) {
for (j=1; j<imax[1]-1; ++j) {
for (i=1; i<imax[0]-1; ++i) {
new_data[i3d(i,j,k)] = 2.0*cur_data[i3d(i,j,k)] - old_data[i3d(i,j,k)] \
+ b[0]*(cur_data[i3d(i-1,j,k)] - 2.0*cur_data[i3d(i,j,k)] \
+ cur_data[i3d(i+1,j,k)]) \
+ b[1]*(cur_data[i3d(i,j-1,k)] - 2.0*cur_data[i3d(i,j,k)] \
+ cur_data[i3d(i,j+1,k)]) \
+ b[2]*(cur_data[i3d(i,j,k-1)] - 2.0*cur_data[i3d(i,j,k)] \
+ cur_data[i3d(i,j,k+1)]);
// In practice one should probably specify the exceptions for better error
// handling, but for a simple example this should be fine.
std::cerr << " Unsupported dimension in the time_step() function" << std::endl;
}; // end time_step()
This function applies a source term at the requested grid point. For this example we use \(\sin( c \pi t)\) and scale it differently depending on the dimension. We apply this driving as a soft source.
void apply_driving(const int &tstep)
switch (DIM)
case 1:
new_data[src[0]] = sin(c*tstep*PI*dt);
case 2:
new_data[i2d(src[0], src[1])] += 5.*sin(c*tstep*PI*dt);
case 3:
new_data[i3d(src[0], src[1], src[2])] += 100.*sin(c*tstep*PI*dt);
// simple error handling
std::cerr << " Unsupported dimension in the apply_driving() function"
<< std::endl;
}; // end apply_driving
This function is used to apply boundary updates. We demonstrate using the CRBC library and homogeneous Dirichlet boundaries. Note the CRBC library also supports homogeneous Neumann boundaries.
Since we initialized the fields to be 0, Dirichlet boundaries are automatically enforced. So we need only apply the CRBC type boundaries. If using Neumann boundaries, these should be applied where possible before applying the CRBC library updates.
void step_boundaries()
int i, j, k, l;
int low_ind[DIM], high_ind[DIM], ind[DIM];
// First we need to copy the new values into the CRBC updater object
// loop over the boundary faces:
for (l=0; l<2*DIM; ++l) {
// check to see if this is a face that the CRBC updater is handling
if (boundaries[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
If the boundary type is crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC
, we ask the boundary
updater which values it expects to receive as input and then provide the requested
values to the boundary updater.
// get the indices the updater object expects as input from this face.
// Note that these values are inclusive
boundary_updater.get_input_extents(l, low_ind, high_ind);
// Copy the updated values into CRBC library object. Again, we note that
// we explicitly handle each of the dimensions for simplicity.
switch (DIM) {
case 1:
for (i=low_ind[0]; i<=high_ind[0]; ++i)
boundary_updater.load_face_data(l, &i, new_data[i]);
case 2:
for (j=low_ind[1]; j<=high_ind[1]; ++j) {
ind[1] = j;
for (i=low_ind[0]; i<=high_ind[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
boundary_updater.load_face_data(l, ind, new_data[i2d(i,j)]);
case 3:
for (k=low_ind[2]; k<=high_ind[2]; ++k) {
ind[2] = k;
for (j=low_ind[1]; j<=high_ind[1]; ++j) {
ind[1] = j;
for (i=low_ind[0]; i<=high_ind[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
boundary_updater.load_face_data(l, ind, new_data[i3d(i,j,k)]);
// simple error handling
std::cerr << "Unsupported dimension in the step_boundaries() function"
<< std::endl;
} //end if
} // end loop over faces
After we have input the new values into the boundary updater, we can let the CRBC library compute the boundary updates.
// Now we can tell the CRBC library boundary updater to compute the updates
Finally, we need to copy the updated boundary values from the CRBC library We again loop over all of the faces, but this time we request the output data extents from the updater object and then copy the new values into the appropriate locations.
for (l=0; l<2*DIM; ++l) {
// check to see if this is a face that the CRBC updater is handling
if (boundaries[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
// get the indices the updater object expects as input from this face.
// Note that these values are inclusive
boundary_updater.get_output_extents(l, low_ind, high_ind);
// Copy the updated values from the crbc updater object.
switch (DIM) {
case 1:
for (i=low_ind[0]; i<=high_ind[0]; ++i)
new_data[i] = boundary_updater.get_new_face_vals(l, &i);
case 2:
for (j=low_ind[1]; j<=high_ind[1]; ++j) {
ind[1] = j;
for (i=low_ind[0]; i<=high_ind[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
new_data[i2d(i,j)] = boundary_updater.get_new_face_vals(l, ind);
case 3:
for (k=low_ind[2]; k<=high_ind[2]; ++k) {
ind[2] = k;
for (j=low_ind[1]; j<=high_ind[1]; ++j) {
ind[1] = j;
for (i=low_ind[0]; i<=high_ind[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
new_data[i3d(i,j,k)] = boundary_updater.get_new_face_vals(l, ind);
// simple error handling
std::cerr << " Unsupported dimension in the step_boundaries() function"
<< std::endl;
} //end if
} // end loop over faces
}; // end step_boundaries()
This function writes the most up to date field values out to an ASCII vtk file that can be easily opened in visualization software such as ParaView.
void write_output(std::string &fname) {
int i;
std::size_t j, cells;
// calculate the number of cells
cells = 1;
for (i=0; i<DIM; i++)
cells *= (imax[i]-1);
// open output file
std::ofstream outfile;
// write out the basic VTK header info
outfile << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0" << std::endl;
outfile << "vtk output" << std::endl;
outfile << "ASCII" << std::endl;
outfile << "DATASET RECTILINEAR_GRID" << std::endl;
// set the dimensions. note that this needs to be in 3D regardless of the
// actual dimension.
outfile << "DIMENSIONS " << imax[0] << " ";
if (DIM > 1) {
outfile << imax[1] << " ";
if (DIM > 2) {
outfile << imax[2] << std::endl;
} else {
outfile << 1 << std::endl;
} else {
outfile << "1 1" << std::endl;
// save the coordinates
outfile << "X_COORDINATES " << imax[0] << " float" << std::endl;
for (i=0; i<imax[0]; i++)
outfile << i*h[0] << std::endl;
outfile << "Y_COORDINATES ";
if (DIM > 1) {
outfile << imax[1] << " float" << std::endl;
for (i=0; i<imax[1]; i++)
outfile << i*h[1] << std::endl;
} else {
outfile << 1 << " float" << std::endl;
outfile << 0 << std::endl;
outfile << "Z_COORDINATES ";
if (DIM > 2) {
outfile << imax[2] << " float" << std::endl;
for (i=0; i<imax[2]; i++)
outfile << i*h[2] << std::endl;
} else {
outfile << 1 << " float" << std::endl;
outfile << 0 << std::endl;
// set up a cell and field
outfile << "CELL_DATA " << cells << std::endl;
outfile << "POINT_DATA " << n << std::endl;
outfile << "FIELD FieldData 1" << std::endl;
outfile << "wave 1 " << n << " double" << std::endl;
// now actually write the data, just a new line after every entry because
// some systems have a character per line limit that we don't want to hit
for (j=0; j<n; j++)
outfile << new_data[j] << std::endl;
// close file
}; // end write output
Public Functions¶
Here, we’ll specify the number of grid points in each direction and the spacings as well as the wave speed, boundary conditions and the number of time steps. Finally the output frequency, file name base, and the grid point to place the source are inputs.
We begin by copying the inputs where necessary, calculating additional parameters such as the time step size and allocating the storage for the field values.
wave_equation (const int grid_points[DIM],
const double grid_spacing[DIM],
const double &c,
const crbc::BoundaryProperties::Boundary bounds[2*DIM],
const int ntsteps,
const std::string &base_file_name,
const int &out_freq,
const int src_location[DIM])
int i, j, k, l, low[DIM], high[DIM];
double T, delta, tol;
// first we'll save the inputs
this->c = c;
for (i=0; i<DIM; ++i) {
imax[i] = grid_points[i];
h[i] = grid_spacing[i];
src[i] = src_location[i];
for (i=0; i<2*DIM; ++i)
boundaries[i] = bounds[i];
this->ntsteps = ntsteps;
base_name = base_file_name;
this->out_freq = out_freq;
// calculate the time step size (0.99 * cfl)
dt = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<DIM; ++i)
dt += 1.0/(h[i]*h[i]);
dt = 0.99 / (c * sqrt(dt));
// calculate the total simulation time
T = dt * ntsteps;
// calculate the total number of grid points
n = 1;
for (i=0; i<DIM; ++i)
n *= imax[i];
// initialize the data storage to be zero
new_data.assign(n, 0.0);
cur_data.assign(n, 0.0);
old_data.assign(n, 0.0);
Next we initialize the CRBC updater object. There are currently two constructors available. In both cases, we have to provide the CRBC T parameter which is generally just the total simulation time (in some situations it makes sense to choose a smaller value — this is discussed in the general documentation). We also have to provide the grid spacings, time step size, wave speed, and the boundary conditions. The second constructor allows one to additionally change the default number of recursions that are used (the default is 5).
// Now initialize the CRBC updater object (by assignment)
boundary_updater = crbc::CrbcUpdates<DIM, double, int> (T, h, dt, c, boundaries);
// Note we can change the default number of recursions from 5 to, say, 7 by
// instead using the following constructor:
// boundary_updater = crbc::CrbcUpdates<DIM, double, int> (T, h, dt, c, boundaries, 7);
After initializing the updater object, we need to set up the parameters for each of the faces. This can currently be done in 3 different ways. The main difference is how we choose the number of recursions: we can use the defaults, we can specify the number of recursions, or we can specify a tolerance and the number of recursions can be determined based on this tolerance.
First we need to calculate the minimum distance, delta, between the current boundary side and any sources, scatterers, or other inhomogeneities. In this example, this is simply the distance from the boundary to the source in the direction of the inward pointing normal to the boundary.
// We begin by looping over all of the possible sides:
for (l=0; l<2*DIM; ++l) {
// check to see if this is a face that the CRBC updater is handling.
// NOTE that the sides are assumed to be in the following order
// left side in x := 0
// right side in x := 1
// left side in y := 2
// right side in y := 3
// left side in z := 4
// right side in z := 5
if (boundaries[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
// calculate the minimum separation between the boudary
// note if the boundary is on the left this distance is just the
// appropriate component of the source location time the grid spacing
// hence the (l%2)
delta = std::abs(src[l/2] - (l%2)*imax[l/2]) * h[l/2];
The boundary updater attempts to communicate with the indexing native to the
solver, so we need to input the data extents for each boundary. We also need
to call one of the init_face()
routines. We demonstrate a different
routine for each dimension.
// handle the different dimensions explicitly
switch (DIM) {
case 1: // 1D
For the 1D case we will illustrate the initializer where we specify the number of recursions because using 0 recursions, which corresponds to using Sommerfeld radiation boundary conditions, is exact (up to discretization) in this case. The CRBC boundary updater needs to know the index of the point on the boundary as well as the index of the point immediately interior to the boundary. So if this is the left boundary, the extents are [0,1]. For the right boundary, the extents are [imax[0]-2, imax[0]-1]. The updater expects these to be inclusive.
if (l == 0 ) { // left side
low[0] = 0;
high[0] = 1;
} else { // right side
low[0] = imax[0]-2;
high[0] = imax[0]-1;
boundary_updater.init_face(l, low, high, delta, 0);
For the 2D case we will illustrate the default initializer. In 2D the updater needs to know the indexing extents for the line of points on the boundary as well as the parallel line of points immediately interior to the boundary.
case 2:
if (l == 0) {
// left boundary in x, need [0,1] in x, all in y
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = 0;
high[0] = 1;
high[1] = imax[1] - 1;
} else if (l == 1) {
// right boundary in x, need [imax[0]-2, imax[0]-1] in x, all y
low[0] = imax[0]-2;
low[1] = 0;
high[0] = imax[0] - 1;
high[1] = imax[1] - 1;
} else if (l == 2) {
// left boundary in y, need [0,1] in y, all in x
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = 0;
high[0] = imax[0] - 1;
high[1] = 1;
} else {
// right boundary in y, need [imax[1]-2, imax[1]-1] in y, all x
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = imax[1]-2;
high[0] = imax[0] - 1;
high[1] = imax[1] - 1;
// call initializer
boundary_updater.init_face(l, low, high, delta);
For the 3D case, we will use the tolerance based initializer. This tolerance controls the reflection coefficient of the boundary. In general, this usually provides a reasonable estimate of the relative error due to the boundary. Some thought should be given to its choice, using too tight of a tolerance results in more work being done for little or no accuracy benefit and too loose of a tolerance results in the boundary error dominating. A good choice is typically on the order of the expected discretization error. Here we’ll just choose 1e-2. In 3D the updater needs to know the indexing extents for the plane of points on the boundary as well as the parallel plane of points immediately interior to the boundary.
case 3:
tol = 1e-2;
if (l == 0) {
// left boundary in x, need [0,1] in x, all in y, z
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = 0;
low[2] = 0;
high[0] = 1;
high[1] = imax[1] - 1;
high[2] = imax[2] - 1;
} else if (l == 1) {
// right boundary in x, need [imax[0]-2, imax[0]-1] in x, all y, z
low[0] = imax[0]-2;
low[1] = 0;
low[2] = 0;
high[0] = imax[0] - 1;
high[1] = imax[1] - 1;
high[2] = imax[2] - 1;
} else if (l == 2) {
// left boundary in y, need [0,1] in y, all in x, z
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = 0;
low[2] = 0;
high[0] = imax[0] - 1;
high[1] = 1;
high[2] = imax[2] - 1;
} else if (l == 3) {
// right boundary in y, need [imax[1]-2, imax[1]-1] in y, all x, z
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = imax[1]-2;
low[2] = 0;
high[0] = imax[0] - 1;
high[1] = imax[1] - 1;
high[2] = imax[2] - 1;
} else if (l == 4) {
// left boundary in z, need [0,1] in z, all in x, y
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = 0;
low[2] = 0;
high[0] = imax[0] - 1;
high[1] = imax[1] - 1;
high[2] = 1;
} else {
// right boundary in z, need [imax[2]-2, imax[2]-1] in z, all x, y
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = 0;
low[2] = imax[2]-2;
high[0] = imax[0] - 1;
high[1] = imax[1] - 1;
high[2] = imax[2] - 1;
// call initializer and limit the number of recursions to at most 20
boundary_updater.init_face(l, low, high, delta, 20, tol);
// simple error handling
std::cerr << " Unsupported dimension in the constructor" << std::endl;
} // end loop over sides
Finally, we’ll print out some information from the boundary updater.
// Now we'll print out some information from the boundary updater.
std::cout << "Recursion properties by face "
<< "(reflection coef =-1 means that no updates are performed):"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Left side in x:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " recursions = "
<< boundary_updater.get_num_recursions(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << " reflection coef = "
<< boundary_updater.get_reflection_coef(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Right side in x:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " recursions = "
<< boundary_updater.get_num_recursions(1) << std::endl;
std::cout << " reflection coef = "
<< boundary_updater.get_reflection_coef(1) << std::endl;
if (DIM > 1) {
std::cout << " Left side in y:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " recursions = "
<< boundary_updater.get_num_recursions(2) << std::endl;
std::cout << " reflection coef = "
<< boundary_updater.get_reflection_coef(2) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Right side in y:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " recursions = "
<< boundary_updater.get_num_recursions(3) << std::endl;
std::cout << " reflection coef = "
<< boundary_updater.get_reflection_coef(3) << std::endl;
if (DIM > 2) {
std::cout << " Left side in z:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " recursions = "
<< boundary_updater.get_num_recursions(4) << std::endl;
std::cout << " reflection coef = "
<< boundary_updater.get_reflection_coef(4) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Right side in z:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " recursions = "
<< boundary_updater.get_num_recursions(5) << std::endl;
std::cout << " reflection coef = "
<< boundary_updater.get_reflection_coef(5) << std::endl;
std::cout << "The maximum reflection coeficient is "
<< boundary_updater.get_max_reflection_coef()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "The CRBC library is updating" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << boundary_updater.get_num_faces()
<< " faces" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << boundary_updater.get_num_edges()
<< " edges" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << boundary_updater.get_num_corners()
<< " corners" << std::endl;
} // end constructor
Additionally, we include a function to enable/disable the writing of output files.
void set_write_output(const bool &write_out) {save_output = write_out;};
This function simply runs the simulation by applying the time stepping, then the source, and finally the boundary conditions. Furthermore it generates the names for the output and permutes the data storage using pointer swapping.
void run() {
int t;
std::ostringstream s;
std::string fname;
// time step:
for (t=0; t<ntsteps; ++t) {
// time step the interior
// apply the driving term
// update the boundaries
// generate output if needed
if ((t % out_freq == 0) && (save_output)) {
// strncpy (fname, base_name, sizeof(fname));
s << base_name << "_" << t/out_freq << ".vtk";
fname = s.str();
// swap the storage vectors
std::swap(cur_data, old_data);
std::swap(cur_data, new_data);
}; //end run
}; // end wave_equation class
Main Routine¶
Finally, we will run a short simulation in each of the supported dimensions.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
bool write_output_files = false;
// read in input to see if we should write output files. If output files are
// enabled this program writes out the 1D results 500 times which takes
// approximately 7 MB of space. The 2D simulation generates 50 files, taking
// up approximately 15 MB, and the 3D simulation generates 35 files taking up
// about 120 MB.
// By default, the file output is turned off.
// There is only one option, so for simplicity we'll just assume that if we
// receive any command line option, then we should enable output instead of
// actually parsing and identifying a specific option.
if (argc > 1) {
std::cout << "This program will generate output files." << std::endl;
write_output_files = true;
std::cout << "1D simulation ..." << std::endl << std::endl;
// first run the 1D wave equations
int npoints_1d[] = {1000};
double grid_spacing_1d[] = {0.01};
double c = 1.0;
int ntsteps = 1000;
std::string bname = "1d_wave";
int out_freq = 10;
int src_location_1d[] = {350};
crbc::BoundaryProperties::Boundary bounds_1d[2];
bounds_1d[0] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_1d[1] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
// create a 1D simulation
wave_equation<1> wave1d(npoints_1d,
// run
try {
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "something with wrong ..." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "2D simulation ..."
<< std::endl << std::endl;
// now do a 2d simulation
int npoints_2d[] = {200, 200};
double grid_spacing_2d[] = {0.01, 0.01};
ntsteps = 500;
bname = "2d_wave";
int src_location_2d[] = {75, 120};
crbc::BoundaryProperties::Boundary bounds_2d[4];
bounds_2d[0] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_2d[1] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_2d[2] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_2d[3] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
// create a 2D simulation
wave_equation<2> wave2d(npoints_2d,
// run
try {
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "something with wrong ..." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "3D simulation ..."
<< std::endl << std::endl;
// now do a 3d simulation
int npoints_3d[] = {75, 75, 75};
double grid_spacing_3d[] = {0.01, 0.01, 0.01};
ntsteps = 350;
bname = "3d_wave";
int src_location_3d[] = {30, 60, 40};
crbc::BoundaryProperties::Boundary bounds_3d[6];
bounds_3d[0] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_3d[1] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_3d[2] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_3d[3] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_3d[4] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
bounds_3d[5] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
// create a 3D simulation
wave_equation<3> wave3d(npoints_3d,
// run
try {
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "something with wrong ..." << std::endl;
return 0;
Some simple videos showing the results can be seen for the 1D results
and for the 2D results
The files used to generate these movies can be generated by providing a command line option at runtime, for instance
./wave_eq.x -output
The following screen output is generated
1D simulation ...
Recursion properties by face (reflection coef =-1 means that no updates are performed)
Left side in x:
recursions = 0
reflection coef = -1
Right side in x:
recursions = 0
reflection coef = -1
The maximum reflection coeficient is -1
The CRBC library is updating
2 faces
0 edges
0 corners
2D simulation ...
Recursion properties by face (reflection coef =-1 means that no updates are performed)
Left side in x:
recursions = 5
reflection coef = 1.83167e-05
Right side in x:
recursions = 5
reflection coef = 1.83167e-05
Left side in y:
recursions = 5
reflection coef = 1.83167e-05
Right side in y:
recursions = 5
reflection coef = 1.83167e-05
The maximum reflection coeficient is 1.83167e-05
The CRBC library is updating
4 faces
4 edges
0 corners
3D simulation ...
Recursion properties by face (reflection coef =-1 means that no updates are performed)
Left side in x:
recursions = 2
reflection coef = 0.00450971
Right side in x:
recursions = 2
reflection coef = 0.00450971
Left side in y:
recursions = 2
reflection coef = 0.00450971
Right side in y:
recursions = 2
reflection coef = 0.00629783
Left side in z:
recursions = 2
reflection coef = 0.00450971
Right side in z:
recursions = 2
reflection coef = 0.00450971
The maximum reflection coeficient is 0.00629783
The CRBC library is updating
6 faces
12 edges
8 corners