3-D FDTD code with CRBC/DAB Boundary Conditions using MPI¶
This tutorial explains the code contained primarily in the files yee_mpi.cpp, yee_mpi.hpp, and yee_mpi_example.cpp.
This code is meant to serve as an example of how the CRBC/DAB library might be used in conjunction with MPI. We are not officially supporting MPI at this time, but we will try to answer related questions if we are able.
This code has also experienced unexplained deadlock/stalling issues in testing. We believe that this may have been caused by memory and network problems, but have not been able to verify this theory. If you experience issues or find a bug, please contact John LaGrone at "jlagrone at smu dot edu".
This code implements the finite difference time-domain solution of Maxwell’s equations (curl formulation) over a 3-D Cartesian lattice. The grid is terminated using Double Absorbing Boundaries (DAB).
Before beginning, it would be a good idea to understand the serial implementation of the 3D Yee Scheme. The C++ wave equation example may also be helpful in understanding how the C++ library interface works.
What this program does¶
At the global level, this program is meant to do exactly the same thing as the serial example of the 3D Yee Scheme, but here we will divide the work among the available MPI processes. We consider Maxwell’s equations in a homogeneous, isotropic, dielectric material is given by
subject to the constraints
To discretize these equations using Yee’s scheme on a rectangular domain \([x_L, x_R] \times [y_L, y_R] \times [z_L, z_R]\) with mesh spacings of \(\Delta x\), \(\Delta y\), and \(\Delta z\), in the \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) directions, respectively, we define
We choose a time step size, \(\Delta t\), satisfying
with the wave speed given by
the fields are approximated on the staggered space time grids:
where we require that the domain is terminated such that the tangential E components and the normal H component are located on the boundaries. This corresponds to having an integer number of Yee cells that match the illustrated Spatial configuration of a Yee cell.
Finally, the fields are evolved with
We will use initial conditions generated from a Gaussian point source.
Class Declaration and Code Structure¶
First we briefly describe the definition of the yee_updater class that is declared in header file yee_mpi.hpp.
Include files¶
First we include the most generic C++ interface to the CRBC/DAB boundary conditions
#include "crbc_updates.hpp"
We include the header file for an exact solution routine so we can generate initial conditions and calculate errors
// Header file for exact solution routines
#include "solutions.hpp"
Next we include the standard template library vectors and arrays to minimize the amount of memory we have to directly manage
// for std::vector
#include <vector>
// for std::array
#include <array>
Finally, we include the Message Passing Interface library
// include MPI for parallel implementation
#include <mpi.h>
yee_updater class declaration¶
For simplicity, we declare a C++ class assuming that the number of processes will be a perfect cube and the domain will also be a cube. The primary inputs will be an MPI communicator, the number of processes to use, the width of the domain, the grid spacing, simulation time, and DAB parameters. The remaining inputs are primarily to modify the solution and output parameters.
class yee_updater
/// constructor
/// \param[in] comm MPI communicator
/// \param[in] nprocs the number of processes to use in each direction
/// \param[in] w the approximate domain width (may be changed slighty due to discretization)
/// \param[in] n number of grid points
/// \param[in] T the total simulation time
/// \param[in] CRBC_T CRBC time parameter (usually CRBC_T = T)
/// \param[in] CRBC_P the number of CRBC recursions
/// \param[in] io_t approximately how often to generate output
/// \param[in] skip the stride to use when sampling errors
/// \param[in] eps permittivity
/// \param[in] mu permeability
/// \param[in] gamma roughty 1/variance of the Gaussian pulse used for ICs
/// \param[in] tau how far in the past the source pulse was turned on (> 0)
/// \param[in] dab_wt weight factor for DAB in load balancing
yee_updater(MPI_Comm comm,
const int &nprocs,
const double &w,
const int &n,
const double &T,
const double &CRBC_T,
const int &CRBC_P,
const double &io_t = 0.05,
const int &skip = 1,
const double &eps = 1.0,
const double &mu = 1.0,
const double &gamma = 160.0,
const double &tau = 0.35,
const int &dab_wt = 3);
virtual ~yee_updater();
Next we declare the remaining public functions. Notably, a function to run the simulation and one to free any memeroy associated with the MPI communicators. We also declare functions to print out some information about memory usage and timing data.
/// run the simulation
void run();
/// free the communicators created internally
void free_comms();
/// function to display the approximate memory usage in MB
void print_mem_use() const;
/// function to display timing information
void print_timing_data() const;
We declare most of the data structures we will use in the following. Here, we have everything that was in the serial example and we additionally have more arrays to store indexing and relational information for each of the MPI processes as well as buffers for the send and receives. We use std::vectors here so we don’t have to worry about freeing memory.
// storage for field values
std::vector<double> E[3], H[3];
double Hcoef, Ecoef;
// storage for mpi messages. The lengths correspond to worst case situations
std::vector<double> E_sbuf[6];
std::vector<double> E_rbuf[6];
std::vector<double> E_edge_sbuf[12];
std::vector<double> E_edge_rbuf[12];
std::vector<double> DAB_sbuf[6];
std::vector<double> DAB_rbuf[6];
std::vector<double> DAB_corner_sbuf[12];
std::vector<double> DAB_corner_rbuf[12];
double eps, mu, gamma, tau, io_t, c;
double T, dt, h, Etime, Htime;
double tol, CRBC_T;
double coord[3], domain_width;
int nprocs, nprocs_cubed;
int nx, ny, nz;
int maxn;
int ntsteps;
int skip;
int dab_wt;
bool isBoundaryProc;
crbc::BoundaryProperties::Boundary procBounds[6];
int MPI_DIR[6];
int my_id, cart_rank[3];
std::vector<int> MPI_EDGE_DIR;
std::vector<int> send_dirs, send_mpi_dirs, send_sides[4], corner_mpi_dirs[12];
std::array<int, 3> send_corners[12];
std::vector< std::array<int, 2> > send_edges;
crbc::CrbcUpdates<3, double, int> bound_upd[3];
MPI_Comm grid_comm, glob_comm;
std::vector<MPI_Request> send_req, recv_req;
std::vector<MPI_Request> DAB_send_req, DAB_recv_req;
std::vector<int> DAB_props, rDAB_props;
std::vector<double> DAB_refl, rDAB_refl;
double create_comm_t, alloc_mem_t, init_dab_t, step_E_t, step_inner_H_t, \
step_outer_H_t, step_DAB_t, send_DAB_t, recv_DAB_t, send_E_t, \
recv_E_t, sol_t, load_init_conds_t, calc_norm_t, calc_err_t, calc_params_t;
double dab_mem_use;
maxwell_solutions::MW_FreeSpace sol_obj;
The next set of functions are used to set up the problem. These functions will try to load balance the problem (in a simple way), create the communicators, load initial conditions, and set up the boundary updaters.
/// function to calculate parameters and do some basic load balancing
void calc_params();
/// function to create the internal mpi comm. It also labels the boundaries.
void create_mpi_comm(MPI_Comm comm);
/// function to set up the solution routines
void init_solutions();
/// load the initial conditions
void load_initial_conds();
/// function to allocate memory
void allocate_memory();
/// function that sets up the DAB boundary updaters
void init_DAB();
The functions are essentially the same as the serial case and serve to update the E and H fields. We split the H-field updates to be for interior and boundary updates so we can do some updates while we wait for message passing to complete.
/// evolve the E fields
void step_E();
/// evolve the interior H fields
void step_inner_H();
/// evolve the H fields on the process boundaries
void step_outer_H();
/// update the DAB layers
void step_DAB();
/// copy the DAB updates back into the interior
void copy_DAB();
These functions are simply commonly used loops for copying data between the DAB library and the interior of our domain.
/// often used loop that copies data from the DAB to the interior
void get_dab_vals_loop(std::vector<double> &buffer,
crbc::CrbcUpdates<3, double, int> &updater,
const int &side,
const int *low,
const int *high,
const int *plow,
const int *phigh,
const bool &isedge = false);
/// often used loop that copies data from the interior to the DAB
void set_dab_vals_loop(std::vector<double> &buffer,
crbc::CrbcUpdates<3, double, int> &updater,
int &count,
const int &side,
const int *low,
const int *high,
const int *plow,
const int *phigh,
const bool &isedge = false);
The bulk of the new code is in the following functions which handle the sending and receiving of the MPI messages for the boundary values and the field values.
/// function to indentify the sides and edges that need to be sent to update
/// the DAB layer
void calc_DAB_send_params();
/// send DAB values between processes
void send_DAB();
/// recieve DAB values from neighboring processes
void recv_DAB();
/// send E field values to neighboring processes
void send_E();
/// recieve E field values form neighboring processes
void recv_E();
Finally, we have functions to compute the norm and error of the solutions.
/// calculate the norm at the current time
double calc_norm();
/// calculate the error at the current time
double calc_error();
Class Definitions¶
The definitions for the yee_updater class are implemented in the file yee_mpi.cpp.
We begin by including the header file containing the class declarations:
#include "yee_mpi.hpp"
Next we include the routines needed to produce output and calculate the error and norms
// Needed for C++ output
#include <iostream>
// This has the declarations of the 'sqrt' and 'abs' functions
#include <cmath>
// We use this for std::accumulate
#include <numeric>
Finally, we optionally include OpenMP to allow for threading
// optional OpenMP
#include <omp.h>
The primary function of the constructor is to set up all of the problem parameters. It expects to receive the MPI communicator to use, the number of process to use in each direction (nprocs is the side length, not the total number), the width of the domain, the number of grid points, and the simulation time. It additionally takes the DAB/CRBC time parameter (usually this should be the same as the simulation time) and the number of recursions to use. The remaining parameters are optional and set the output time and sampling frequency and the solution parameters. There is also a parameter to adjust how to scale the work in the DAB layers for load balancing purposes (in experiements choosing this to be 3-6 seems to work well in most cases).
We copy these inputs and set all the timer variables to 0. Note that the majority of the MPI barriers in this section of code are unnecessary and are only here to try to help isolate potential problems in the code.
yee_updater::yee_updater(MPI_Comm comm,
const int &nprocs,
const double &w,
const int &n,
const double &T,
const double &CRBC_T,
const int &CRBC_P,
const double &io_t,
const int &skip,
const double &eps,
const double &mu,
const double &gamma,
const double &tau,
const int &dab_wt)
// save inputs
this->T = T;
this->CRBC_T = CRBC_T;
this->CRBC_P = CRBC_P;
domain_width = w;
this->nprocs = nprocs;
n_global = n;
this->io_t = io_t;
this->skip = skip;
this->eps = eps;
this->mu = mu;
this->gamma = gamma;
this->tau = tau;
this->dab_wt = dab_wt;
// compute the wave speed;
c = 1.0 / std::sqrt(eps*mu);
// make a copy of the communicator
MPI_Comm_dup(comm, &glob_comm);
// initialize timers to 0
calc_params_t = create_comm_t = alloc_mem_t = init_dab_t = step_E_t = \
step_inner_H_t = step_outer_H_t = step_DAB_t = send_DAB_t = \
recv_DAB_t = send_E_t = recv_E_t = sol_t = load_init_conds_t = \
calc_norm_t = calc_err_t = 0.0;
Then, we set up a cartesian communicator and calculate the parameters for the simulation and load balancing. The functions create_mpi_comm and calc_params are described in more detail below, but the basic idea is to create a topologically aware communicator so each process knows its position in the domain and to try to distrubute the work to each process in an equitable manner while taking into account the fact that the DAB updates are more expensive than the Yee updates.
// create cartesian communicator
// calculate grid and time step size
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "id = " << my_id
<< " failed in calc_params() --- a standard exception was caught, with message '"
<< e.what() << "'" << std::endl;
MPI_Abort(glob_comm, -2);
// wait for all processes to finish calculating parameters
Next we allocate the bulk of the memory for the field values. Note that we do not allocate the send and receive buffers here (it would be a good idea to do so).
// allocate memory
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "id = " << my_id
<< " failed in allocate_memory() --- a standard exception was caught, with message '"
<< e.what() << "'" << std::endl;
MPI_Abort(glob_comm, -2);
// wait for all processes to finish allocating memory
We now initialize the boundary updater objects using the DAB library
// initialize DAB updaters
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "id = " << my_id
<< " failed in init_DAB() --- a standard exception was caught, with message '"
<< e.what() << "'" << std::endl;
MPI_Abort(glob_comm, -2);
// wait for all processes to set up DAB updaters (if needed)
Finally, we set up the solution routine. The solution we will use is described in the numerical results page and the code is availabe at solutions.cpp and solutions.hpp.
// set up the solution routine
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "id = " << my_id
<< " failed in init_solutions() --- a standard exception was caught, with message '"
<< e.what() << "'" << std::endl;
MPI_Abort(glob_comm, -2);
// wait for all processes to set up solution routines
Routine to run the Simulation¶
The following routine is responsible for running the actual simulation. It starts by determining how many time steps to take between outputs and reserves memory to save these outputs. Then the initial conditions are load and we calculate the norm of the initial data so we can calculate relative errors later.
void yee_updater::run()
double loc_norm, glob_norm, loc_err, glob_err;
int tskip;
int tstep;
std::vector<double> err;
std::vector<double> time;
// figure out how many time steps should be taken between outputs
tskip = io_t/dt;
// reserve memory for errors
if (my_id==0) {
err.reserve((ntsteps / tskip) + 1);
time.reserve((ntsteps / tskip) + 1);
// load initial conditions
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "id = "
<< my_id << " failed in load_initial_conds() --- a standard exception was caught, with message '"
<< e.what() << "'" << std::endl;
MPI_Abort(glob_comm, -2);
// calculate norm of intitial conditions
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
try {
loc_norm = calc_norm();
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "id = " << my_id
<< " failed in calc_norm() --- a standard exception was caught, with message '"
<< e.what() << "'" << std::endl;
MPI_Abort(glob_comm, -2);
Next we collect the norm (squared) from each of the processes onto a single process using MPI_Reduce.
// use mpi_reduce to calculate global norm
glob_norm = 0.0;
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
if (MPI_Reduce(&loc_norm, &glob_norm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, grid_comm) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Reduce failed, norm calculation" << std::endl;
if (my_id == 0) {
glob_norm = std::sqrt(glob_norm);
Next we actually run the simulation by time stepping. The idea here is that we have discretized the problem in such a way that we can update all of the internal E-Field values, so we do that first. After the internal E-field values are updated we send any values needed on the boundaries between processes and begin updating exterior boundaries using the DAB library. We send the DAB values as soon as they are available and then update the internal H-field while waiting to receive the E-field needed to update the boundaries. After receiving the E-field and DAB updates from neighboring processes, we update the H-fields along the boundaries. We repeat this process and calculate the error at the requesting intervals until we reach the final time.
// time step
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
for (tstep = 0; tstep < ntsteps; ++tstep) {
// generate output
if (tstep % tskip == 0) {
// calculate error
loc_err = calc_error();
glob_err = 0.0;
if (MPI_Reduce(&loc_err, &glob_err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, grid_comm) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Reduce failed, err calculation" << std::endl;
if (my_id==0) {
std::cout << "tstep = " << tstep << " T (E) = " << Etime
<< " err = " << std::sqrt(glob_err)
<< " rel err = " << std::sqrt(glob_err)/glob_norm << std::endl;
} // output
// update E fields
// Send the E fields
// update the DAB
// update the current E time
Etime += dt;
// Send the DAB values
// update the H fields
// wait for the E field sends to complete
// wait for the DAB sends to complete
// get the updated boundary values from the DAB updaters
// update the boundary H fields
// increment H time
Htime += dt;
} // end time stepping
Ater the time stepping is complete, we compute the error at the final time and output all of the error data again in a comma seperated list that is easily imported into other programs.
// calculate final error
loc_err = calc_error();
glob_err = 0.0;
if (MPI_Reduce(&loc_err, &glob_err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, grid_comm) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Reduce failed, err calculation" << std::endl;
if (my_id == 0) {
std::cout << "tstep = " << tstep << " T (E) = " << Etime
<< " err = " << std::sqrt(glob_err)
<< " rel err = " << std::sqrt(glob_err)/glob_norm << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
// print out all the errors again that are easier to import
std::cout << "time, error, relative error," << std::endl;
for (unsigned i=0; i<err.size(); ++i)
std::cout << time[i] << ", " << err[i] << ", " << err[i]/glob_norm
<< std::endl;
Function to Free Communicators¶
To avoid memory leaks, we define a function to free the communicators. We note that it may be better practice to have the class call MPI_Init and put the following code along with a call to MPI_Finalize in the class destructor.
void yee_updater::free_comms()
Function to Print Approximate Memory Usage¶
The following function is potentially useful in analyzing the load balancing and reports a list of how much memory is used by each process.
void yee_updater::print_mem_use() const
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
double tot_mem_use, dab_buff, ebuff, fields;
// calculate the size of the field vectors in MB
fields = sizeof(double)*(E[0].capacity() + E[1].capacity() + E[2].capacity() +
H[0].capacity() + H[1].capacity() + H[2].capacity()) / ((double) 1024*1024);
// calculate the size of the E send/recieve buffers
ebuff = 0;
for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
ebuff += sizeof(double)*(E_sbuf[i].capacity() + E_rbuf[i].capacity()) \
/ ((double) 1024*1024);
// calculate the size of the DAB buffers
dab_buff = 0;
for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
dab_buff += sizeof(double)*(DAB_sbuf[i].capacity() + DAB_rbuf[i].capacity()) \
/ ((double) 1024*1024);
// calculate total mem use (dab_mem_use is calculate in init_DAB())
tot_mem_use = dab_buff + ebuff + fields + dab_mem_use;
// colect everything on 1 process
std::vector<double> send, recv;
recv.assign(nprocs_cubed*5, 0.0);
if (MPI_Gather(send.data(), 5, MPI_DOUBLE, recv.data(), 5, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, grid_comm) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Gather failed " << std::endl;
if (my_id == 0) {
std::cout << " , DAB Buffers, E Buffers, Fields, DAB, Total" << std::endl;
for (int l=0; l<nprocs_cubed; ++l) {
std::cout << "proc " << l << ", ";
for (int i=0; i<5; ++i)
std::cout << recv[5*l + i] << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Total, ";
for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
double tot = 0;
for (int l=0; l<nprocs_cubed; ++l)
tot += recv[5*l + i];
std::cout << tot << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
} // end my_id == 0
} // end if grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL
} // end print_mem_use()
Function to Print Timing Data¶
This function prints a list of time each process spends in certain sections of the code both in seconds and as a percentage. The first table is the actual times and the second table is the percentage of time spend in each section. Note the row totals can be viewed as wall times and the column totals are CPU times. Again, this function is potentially useful in analyzing the load balancing.
void yee_updater::print_timing_data() const
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
std::vector<double> timers_send, timers_recv;
timers_recv.assign(15*nprocs_cubed, 0.0);
// save all the local timers to a vector
// gather all timer data
MPI_Gather(timers_send.data(), timers_send.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, timers_recv.data(), timers_send.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, grid_comm);
// print out timer data
if (my_id == 0) {
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << " ,"
<< " Calculating Parameters,"
<< " Creating Communicators,"
<< " Allocating Memory,"
<< " Initializing DABs,"
<< " Stepping E,"
<< " Stepping Inner H,"
<< " Stepping Outer H,"
<< " Stepping DAB,"
<< " Sending DAB,"
<< " Receiving DAB,"
<< " Sending E,"
<< " Receiving E,"
<< " Loading Initial Condition,"
<< " Calculating Norm,"
<< " Calculating Error,"
<< " Total "
<< std::endl;
timers_send.assign(16, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i<nprocs_cubed; ++i) {
double sum = std::accumulate(timers_recv.begin() + 15*i, timers_recv.begin() + 15*(i+1), 0.0);
// print timer data for each process
std::cout << " process " << i << ",";
for (int j=0; j<15; ++j)
std::cout << timers_recv[15*i+j] << ",";
std::cout << sum << std::endl;
// update total times
for (int j=0; j<15; ++j)
timers_send[j] += timers_recv[15*i + j];
timers_send[15] += sum;
std::cout << " Total " << ",";
for (int j=0; j<15; ++j)
std::cout << timers_send[j] << ",";
std::cout << timers_send[15] << std::endl << std::endl;
// compute percentages
timers_send.assign(16, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i<nprocs_cubed; ++i) {
std::cout << " process " << i << ",";
for (int j=0; j<15; ++j)
std::cout << 100*timers_recv[15*i + j] / std::accumulate(timers_recv.begin() + 15*i, timers_recv.begin() + 15*i + 15, 0.0) << ",";
std::cout << "100" << std::endl;
// total percentages
for (int j=0; j<15; ++j)
timers_send[j] += timers_recv[15*i+j] / std::accumulate(timers_recv.begin() + 15*i, timers_recv.begin() + 15*i + 15, 0.0);
timers_send[15] += 1;
std::cout << " Average " << ",";
for (int j=0; j<15; ++j)
std::cout << 100*timers_send[j]/nprocs_cubed << ",";
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
} // end if id == 0
} // end comm check
} // end print_timing_data
Routine to Calculate Parameters¶
The main purpose of this routine is to do some basic load balancing. The idea that using P auxilliary variables is roughly equal (in terms of FLOPS) to doing ~3*P Yee cell updates, so we will make the processes with DAB layers have fewer Yee updates to compute but otherwise distribute the points as evenly as possible. Note that the difference between the DAB and Yee memory access patterns probably plays a role here, but we’re ignoring it.
Also note that we are overlaping the processor domains by a factor of h. This is certainly less memory efficient, but it makes the message passing and updates a bit more straightforward.
We begin by defining the bottom left corner of the domain, which we assume to be a cube centered around 0 and compute the grid spacing.
void yee_updater::calc_params()
int x, i, j, k, rem, n[3], P;
double t1, t2;
t1 = MPI_Wtime(); // start timer
// use the requested number of recursoins
// compute the left-most point in each coordinate direction
coord[0] = -domain_width/2.0;
coord[1] = -domain_width/2.0;
coord[2] = -domain_width/2.0;
h = domain_width/((double) (n_global - 1.0));
Next, if we only have a single process we just compute the number of grid points on that process by setting them to the number of points requested.
if (nprocs == 1) {
// if there's only 1 MPI process, we just compute the number of grid points
// like normal
for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
n[i] = n_global;
Otherwise, we start by calculating the total number of “grid points” assuming that each additional auxilliary variable in the DAB counts for \(dab\_wt\) grid points. We additionally assume that each of the exterior boundaries is in fact a DAB, that is we assume the free space problem. We also assume the grid overlaps by a factor of h so processes share 2 grid points with their neighbors. That is, we want the domain to look something like
...... ........... ........... ......
........... ........... ...........
So if we had a single process we would have n_global points plus there are 2 DABS, which give \(2 \cdot P \cdot dab\_wt\) points plus we have the extra points due to overlapping the grid, which gives \(2(nprocs-1)\) points putting this all together, we get that we need a total of \(n\_global + 2 \cdot P \cdot dab\_wt + 2 \cdot nprocs -2\). We try to divide this up evenly and calculate how many points are left over.
} else {
// This can fail by making processes have too few points on the boundary or
// or even assigning a negative number of points on the boundary processes.
// This isn't really accounted for, but we attempt to abort if we see it ...
x = ((int) (n_global + 2*dab_wt*P + 2*(nprocs) - 2)) / nprocs;
rem = ((int) (n_global + 2*dab_wt*P + 2*(nprocs) - 2)) % nprocs;
// Next we allocate points to processes in each direction bases on whether
// they are on the boundary or not
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
if ((cart_rank[i] == 0) || (cart_rank[i] == nprocs-1)) {
// if the process is on the boundary, we subtract of dab_wt*P points
// to account for the DAB layer. We additionally calculate the left
// most coordinate in this direction. Note that on the left side, we
// have already correctly set this value so we only do it if it is the
// right-most process
n[i] = x - dab_wt*P;
if (cart_rank[i] == nprocs-1) {
coord[i] += (x - dab_wt*P - 2)*h + (cart_rank[i]-1)*(x-2)*h;
} else {
// otherwise, we just assign the number of points as is and calculate
// the left-most point of the process in the current direction
n[i] = x;
coord[i] += (x - dab_wt*P - 2)*h + (cart_rank[i]-1)*(x-2)*h;
It is possible that the number of “points” generated above does not divide evenly across the processes. In this case, we just loop over the interior processes and add one point to the current process and adjust the physical coordinates of each process until we have used all of the extra points.
// now account for any left over points
if (nprocs == 2) {
// if there are only 2 processes per direction, just add the extra point(s)
// to the left process and shift the right process' coordinates accordingly.
for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
if (cart_rank[i] == 0) {
n[i] += rem;
} else {
coord[i] += rem*h;
} else {
// otherwise we only add extra points to the interior processes. We do
// this by looping over the interior processes from left to right and
// add one to the current process and the coordinates by h for all of the
// processes to the right and repeat until we have no remaining points.
int r[3];
r[0] = rem;
r[1] = rem;
r[2] = rem;
// loop over the number of remaining points just to make sure we iterate
// enough times
for (k=0; k<rem; ++k) {
// loop over the interior processes
for (j=1; j<nprocs-1; ++j) {
// loop over the directions
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
// if we have points left, add one to the current process and shift
// the process coordinates for the processes to the right
if (r[i] > 0) {
if (cart_rank[i] == j) {
if (cart_rank[i] > j)
coord[i] += h;
} // end for k
Finally, we do a simple check to make sure that the grid partitioning is somewhat reasonable in the sense that each process will have at least 1 internal point. We also calculate the time step size and set the initial times.
// do a basic check to make sure that the grid partitioning is somewhat
// reasonable
if ((n[0] < 3) || (n[1] < 3) || (n[2] < 3)) {
std::cerr << "Grid partitioning failed. Try increasing n, decrreasing dab_wt, and/or nprocs" << std::endl;
MPI_Abort(glob_comm, -3);
// save the number of grid points in each direction
nx = n[0];
ny = n[1];
nz = n[2];
// calculate the time step size and number of time steps
dt = 0.99 / sqrt(3.0/(h*h));
ntsteps = T / dt;
Etime = 0;
Htime = dt/2.0;
// update timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
calc_params_t += t2-t1;
Function to Create a MPI Communicator¶
This function creates a topologically aware MPI communicator and figures out the neighbors and boundary conditions on each process. We start by creating the a Cartesian communicator using the build in MPI function.
void yee_updater::create_mpi_comm(MPI_Comm comm) {
int periods[3], i, j, diag_coords[3], diag_rank;
periods[0] = 0; // not periodic
periods[1] = 0;
periods[2] = 0;
int reorder = 1;
double t1, t2;
t1 = MPI_Wtime(); // start timer
int dims[3];
dims[0] = nprocs;
dims[1] = nprocs;
dims[2] = nprocs;
nprocs_cubed = nprocs*nprocs*nprocs;
// create a cartesian communicator with nprocs in each direction
if (MPI_Cart_create(comm, 3, dims, periods, reorder, &grid_comm) != MPI_SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << "MPI_Cart_create failed" << std::endl;
Next we figure out the the neighboring processes in each direction using the MPI_Cart_shift function.
// figure out neighboring processes
for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
cart_rank[0] = -1;
cart_rank[1] = -1;
cart_rank[2] = -1;
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
if (MPI_Comm_rank(grid_comm, &my_id) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Comm_rank failed" << std::endl;
if (MPI_Cart_coords(grid_comm, my_id, 3, cart_rank) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Cart_coords failed" << std::endl;
// figure the ids of the processes we might need to send data to
if (MPI_Cart_shift(grid_comm, 2, -1, &MPI_DIR[5], &MPI_DIR[4]) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Cart_shift failed" << std::endl;
if (MPI_Cart_shift(grid_comm, 1, -1, &MPI_DIR[3], &MPI_DIR[2]) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Cart_shift failed" << std::endl;
if (MPI_Cart_shift(grid_comm, 0, -1, &MPI_DIR[1], &MPI_DIR[0]) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Cart_shift failed" << std::endl;
Then, we figure out which of the processes are on the boundary. We do this based
on whether or not the process has a neighbor, but it could also be done using the
coordinates of the processes on the Cartesian communicator. We are assuming the
free space problem, so in each direction we label the boundary to by type CRBC
for exterior boundaries and NONE
for interior boundaries shared with another
// figure out which processes are on the boundary
isBoundaryProc = false;
// if a process doesn't have a neighbor on at least 1 side, its on the boundary
if ((grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) && ((MPI_DIR[0] == MPI_PROC_NULL) ||
isBoundaryProc = true;
// label the boundaries. Use type NONE for interior sides and CRBC for the
// exterior boundaries. To do a wave guide, e.g., one might change the type
// to DIR on the appropriate sides
for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) {
procBounds[i] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE;
if ((grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) && (MPI_DIR[i] == MPI_PROC_NULL))
procBounds[i] = crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC;
Finalling, we figure out which edges are shared between processes so we can send data diagonally to complete the edge updates.
// figure out if we need to send any edge data diagonally
if (grid_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
// loop over sides
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
// get a second side to check
for (j=i+1; j<6; j++) {
// make sure the sides are not parallel
if (j/2 != i/2) {
if ((MPI_DIR[i] != MPI_PROC_NULL) && (MPI_DIR[j] != MPI_PROC_NULL)) {
send_edges.push_back({i, j});
// get rank of destination
for (int l=0; l<3; ++l)
diag_coords[l] = cart_rank[l];
// shift coordinate for first side
diag_coords[i/2] = (i%2 == 0) ? cart_rank[i/2]-1 : cart_rank[i/2]+1;
// shift coordinate for second side
diag_coords[j/2] = (j%2 == 0) ? cart_rank[j/2]-1 : cart_rank[j/2]+1;
if (MPI_Cart_rank(grid_comm, diag_coords, &diag_rank) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Cart_rank failed" << std::endl;
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
create_comm_t += t2-t1;
Function to Initialize Solutions¶
Here, we define a function which initializes the solution routines. We simply provide a source location, which we place at (0,0,0) and we give it the grid spacing, material parameters, \(\mu\) and \(\varepsilon\), and the parameters that determine the width and start time of the Gaussian pulse, \(\gamma\) and :math`tau`.
void yee_updater::init_solutions()
double src_loc[3];
double hloc[3];
// place the source at (0,0,0)a small perturbation to decrease the
// chances of coinciding with a grid point may be needed. If the source is on a grid
// point there is the possiblity of a division by zero in the solution
// routines
src_loc[0] = 0.0;
src_loc[1] = 0.0;
src_loc[2] = 0.0;
// set the grid spacing to be the same in all directions
hloc[0] = h;
hloc[1] = h;
hloc[2] = h;
// initialize the solution object
sol_obj = maxwell_solutions::MW_FreeSpace(gamma, tau, eps, mu, src_loc);
Function to Allocate Memory¶
This function allocates memory for each of the field components. We note it would likely be a good idea to allocate the send and receive buffers here as well.
void yee_updater::allocate_memory()
int m;
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
// figure out the largest number number of grid points possible
m = (nx > ny) ? nx : ny;
m = (m > nz) ? m : nz;
if (MPI_Allreduce(&m, &maxn, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, grid_comm) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Allreduce failed";
// allocate Fields and initialize to 0
E[0].assign((nx-1)*ny*nz, 0.0); // Ex
E[1].assign(nx*(ny-1)*nz, 0.0); // Ey
E[2].assign(nx*ny*(nz-1), 0.0); // Ez
H[0].assign(nx*(ny-1)*(nz-1), 0.0); // Hx
H[1].assign((nx-1)*ny*(nz-1), 0.0); // Hy
H[2].assign((nx-1)*(ny-1)*nz, 0.0); // Hz
// compute update coefficients
Hcoef = (dt/mu)/h;
Ecoef = (dt/eps)/h;
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
alloc_mem_t += t2-t1;
Function to Initilize the DAB Layer¶
The purpose of this function is to set up objects to provide the exterior boudnary updates using the DAB library. Again, we are assuming this is a free space problem, so we initialize DAB updaters for each of the 3 E-field components. Note, in a wave guide, for example, where there are no DAB edges or corners, we only need updaters for the tangential components. There’s no harm in having an updater for the normal components when it’s not needed, but it represents unnecessary work.
We overlap the DAB domains so that each process can update the information it needs to continue with the DAB library. If we did not overlap the domains, we would need to pass data used in the DAB library between neighboring processes at the wave equation stage of the DAB update. This is possible to do, but it would require changing the inner workings of the DAB library.
We start by creating storage for various properties of the DAB that we may want to print out such as the error estimates.
void yee_updater::init_DAB()
double delta;
int l,m;
int low[3], high[3];
double htmp[3];
htmp[0] = htmp[1] = htmp[2] = h;
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
// storage for DAB boundary properties that we might want to print out or need
// to use elsewhere
if (my_id == 0) {
rDAB_props.assign(15*nprocs_cubed, 0.0);
rDAB_refl.assign(10*nprocs_cubed, 0.0);
DAB_props.assign(15, 0.0);
DAB_refl.assign(10, 0.0);
DAB_refl[6] = coord[0];
DAB_refl[7] = coord[1];
DAB_refl[8] = coord[2];
Next we check to see of the process is on the boundary. If it is, we initialize a boundary updater object for each of the 3 E-field components. Here, we are thinking of Ex = 0, Ey = 1, and Ez = 2. We provide the CRBC time parameter, the grid spacing, time step size, wave speed, and the processor boundary types.
if (isBoundaryProc) {
// We initialize the updaters in 3D with double field values and ints for
// indexing (and by default doubles for coeficients) and provide the run
// time, grid spacing, time step size, wave speed, and boundary configuration
// on each boundary process
bound_upd[0] = crbc::CrbcUpdates<3, double, int> (CRBC_T, htmp, dt, c, procBounds);
bound_upd[1] = crbc::CrbcUpdates<3, double, int> (CRBC_T, htmp, dt, c, procBounds);
bound_upd[2] = crbc::CrbcUpdates<3, double, int> (CRBC_T, htmp, dt, c, procBounds);
Then, we loop over and set up each of the possible boundary sides.
We are dealing with the message passing by overlapping the DAB layer for “simplicity.” We recall that we over lapped the Yee grid so we an overlap of 2 grid points for tangential components, so the grid looks like
Tangential components Normal Components
-------- ---x-----x-----x---
x x x | | |
-------- ---x-----x-----x---
-------- ---x-----x-----x---
x x x | | |
-------- ---x-----x-----x---
Note that the use of normal and tangential components here is somewhat confusing because it is in reference to the boundaries with neighboring processes, NOT the phyiscal boundary. We consider the direction in which the message passing needs to take place as the normal direction. This results in the following, e.g.
With our implementation, each process has components with the following indexing bounds:
Ex(0:nx-2, 0:ny-1, 0:nz-1) located at ((i+1/2)*h, j*h, k*h)
Ey(0:nx-1, 0:ny-2, 0:nz-1) located at (i*h, (j+1/2)*h, k*h)
Ez(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1, 0:nz-2) located at (i*h, j*h, (k+1/2)*h)
So, for example, we’ll consider the right boundary face in the x direction. Then, we potentially need to pass information North/South in the y-direction) or Up/Down (in the z-direction). For the case of needed to pass information in the North/South direction, the Ey component is normal to the interface between the two processes and Ex and Ez are tangential. The tangential components are already overlapped the way we want because we overlapped the grids for the Yee scheme, therefore, we tell the DAB updater the actual data extents for the points:
For Ex the proper extents are [nx-3, nx-2] x [0, ny-1] x [0, nz-1] because we include all the points in the y and z directions and the point in x on the physical boundary and it’s neighbor to the left. Similary, for Ez the extents are [nx-2, nx-1] x [0, ny-1] x [0, nz-2].
For Ey, if we do the same thing, we would get the extents nx-2, nx-1] x [0, ny-2] x [0, nz-1], but this does not overlap the grids by 2 points. To correct this, we tell the DAB layer that the extents are greater than the actual data range by subtracting 1 from the lower y extent if their is a neighboring process in the MPI_DIR[4] direction to get [nx-2, nx-1] x [-1, ny-2] x [0, nz-1].
NOTE: the DAB updater considers the extents to be inclusive.
for (l=0; l<6; ++l) {
if (procBounds[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
// figure out seperation from source
delta = domain_width / 2.0;
// loop over field components
for (m=0; m<3; ++m) {
// generic extents that are close to correct (some of the indices are
// off by a factor of 1, which depends on the component)
low[0] = 0;
low[1] = 0;
low[2] = 0;
high[0] = nx - 1;
high[1] = ny - 1;
high[2] = nz - 1;
if (l == 0) {
// left boundary in x, need [0,1] in x, all in y, z
high[0] = 1;
// adjust based on field component
if (m == 1) { // Ey
} else if (m == 2) { // Ez
} else if (l == 1) {
// right boundary in x, need [nx-2, nx-1] in x, all y, z
low[0] = nx-2;
// adjust based on field component
if (m == 0) {
} else if (m == 1) { // Ey
} else if (m == 2) { // Ez
} else if (l == 2) {
// left boundary in y, need [0,1] in y, all in x, z
high[1] = 1;
// adjust based on field component
if (m == 0) { // Ex
} else if (m == 2) { // Ez
} else if (l == 3) {
// right boundary in y, need [ny-2, ny-1] in y, all x, z
low[1] = ny-2;
// adjust based on field component
if (m == 1) {
} else if (m == 0) { // Ex
} else if (m == 2) { // Ez
} else if (l == 4) {
// left boundary in z, need [0,1] in z, all in x, y
high[2] = 1;
// adjust based on field component
if (m == 0) { // Ex
} else if (m == 1) { // Ey
} else if (l == 5) {
// right boundary in z, need [nz-2, nz-1] in z, all x, y
low[2] = nz-2;
// adjust based on field component
if (m == 2) {
} else if (m == 0) { // Ex
} else if (m == 1) { // Ey
// call initializer and limit the number of recursions to at most 20
// bound_upd[m].init_face(l, low, high, delta, 20, tol);
bound_upd[m].init_face(l, low, high, delta, CRBC_P);
} // end loop over components
} // end loop over sides
Now we get and save properties such as estimated memory use, number of faces, edges, and corners, and the error estimates from the DAB updater objects.
// now get some properties from the updaters that we may be interested in
// at a later time
dab_mem_use = bound_upd[0].get_mem_usage() + bound_upd[1].get_mem_usage() \
+ bound_upd[2].get_mem_usage();
// get number of recursions and reflection coefficients
for (l = 0; l<6; ++l) {
if (procBounds[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
DAB_props.at(l) = bound_upd[0].get_num_recursions(l);
DAB_refl.at(l) = bound_upd[0].get_reflection_coef(l);
DAB_refl[9] = dab_mem_use;
// get info about the domain configuration
DAB_props.at(6) = bound_upd[0].get_num_faces();
DAB_props.at(7) = bound_upd[0].get_num_edges();
DAB_props.at(8) = bound_upd[0].get_num_corners();
DAB_props.at(9) = bound_upd[1].get_num_faces();
DAB_props.at(10) = bound_upd[1].get_num_edges();
DAB_props.at(11) = bound_upd[1].get_num_corners();
DAB_props.at(12) = bound_upd[2].get_num_faces();
DAB_props.at(13) = bound_upd[2].get_num_edges();
DAB_props.at(14) = bound_upd[2].get_num_corners();
Finally, we call a function that figures out where we need to do message passing to complete the DAB updates.
// figure out the message passing configuration
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
init_dab_t += t2-t1;
Function to Update E-Fields¶
This function updates the E-field values and we note that it is identical to the serial case with the exception that we do not update any points on the boundary. This corresponds to doing the updates for a homogeneous Dirichlet boundary in the serial case, but here the boundary values are calculated on a neighboring process because we overlapped the domains or by the DAB boundary updater. We have included option OpenMP here.
void yee_updater::step_E()
int i,j,k;
int nxm, nym, nzm;
nxm = nx-1;
nym = ny-1;
nzm = nz-1;
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(i,j,k)
// compute updates to Ex
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=1; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=1; j < nym; ++j) {
for (i=0; i < nxm; ++i) {
E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] += Ecoef * ((H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] - H[2][i + (j-1 + k*nym)*nxm]) \
- (H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] - H[1][i + (j + (k-1)*ny)*nxm]));
// compute updates to Ey
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=1; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=0; j < nym; ++j) {
for (i=1; i < nxm; ++i) {
E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] += Ecoef * ((H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] - H[0][i + (j + (k-1)*nym)*nx]) \
- (H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] - H[2][i-1 + (j + k*nym)*nxm]));
// compute updates to Ez
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=1; j < nym; ++j) {
for (i=1; i < nxm; ++i) {
E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx] += Ecoef * ((H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] - H[1][i-1 + (j + k*ny)*nxm]) \
- (H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] - H[0][i + (j-1 + k*nym)*nx]));
} // end parallel region
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
step_E_t += t2-t1;
Function to Compute Interior H-Field Updates¶
Again, this function is identical to the serial case except we do not update the H-fields on the boundaries because they depend on E-field values on the neighboring process.
void yee_updater::step_inner_H()
int i,j,k;
int nxm, nym, nzm;
nxm = nx-1;
nym = ny-1;
nzm = nz-1;
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(i,j,k)
// compute updates to Hx
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=1; k < nzm-1; ++k) {
for (j=1; j < nym-1; ++j) {
for (i=1; i < nxm; ++i) {
H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] += Hcoef * ((E[1][i + (j + (k+1)*nym)*nx] - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx]) \
- (E[2][i + (j+1 + k*ny)*nx] - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx]));
// compute updates to Hy
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=1; k < nzm-1; ++k) {
for (j=1; j < nym; ++j) {
for (i=1; i < nxm-1; ++i) {
H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] += Hcoef * ((E[2][i+1 + (j + k*ny)*nx] - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx]) \
- (E[0][i + (j + (k+1)*ny)*nxm] - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm]));
// compute updates to Hz
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=1; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=1; j < nym-1; ++j) {
for (i=1; i < nxm-1; ++i) {
H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] += Hcoef * ((E[0][i + (j+1 + k*ny)*nxm] - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm]) \
- (E[1][i+1 + (j + k*nym)*nx] - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx]));
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
step_inner_H_t += t2-t1;
Routine to Update Boundary H-Fields¶
After we have passed the E-fields from the neighboring processes, this function computes the remaining H-field updates on the boundaries.
void yee_updater::step_outer_H()
int i,j,k;
int nxm, nym, nzm;
nxm = nx-1;
nym = ny-1;
nzm = nz-1;
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(i,j,k)
// compute updates to Hx
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=0; j < nym; ++j) {
for (i=0; i < nx; i+=nxm) {
H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] += Hcoef * ((E[1][i + (j + (k+1)*nym)*nx] - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx]) \
- (E[2][i + (j+1 + k*ny)*nx] - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx]));
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=0; j < nym; j+=nym-1) {
for (i=1; i < nxm; ++i) {
H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] += Hcoef * ((E[1][i + (j + (k+1)*nym)*nx] - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx]) \
- (E[2][i + (j+1 + k*ny)*nx] - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx]));
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k < nzm; k+=nzm-1) {
for (j=1; j < nym-1; ++j) {
for (i=1; i < nxm; ++i) {
H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] += Hcoef * ((E[1][i + (j + (k+1)*nym)*nx] - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx]) \
- (E[2][i + (j+1 + k*ny)*nx] - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx]));
// compute updates to Hy
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=0; j < ny; j+=nym) {
for (i=0; i < nxm; ++i) {
H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] += Hcoef * ((E[2][i+1 + (j + k*ny)*nx] - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx]) \
- (E[0][i + (j + (k+1)*ny)*nxm] - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm]));
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k < nzm; k+=nzm-1) {
for (j=1; j < nym; ++j) {
for (i=0; i < nxm; ++i) {
H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] += Hcoef * ((E[2][i+1 + (j + k*ny)*nx] - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx]) \
- (E[0][i + (j + (k+1)*ny)*nxm] - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm]));
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=1; k < nzm-1; ++k) {
for (j=1; j < nym; ++j) {
for (i=0; i < nxm; i+=nxm-1) {
H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] += Hcoef * ((E[2][i+1 + (j + k*ny)*nx] - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx]) \
- (E[0][i + (j + (k+1)*ny)*nxm] - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm]));
// compute updates to Hz
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k < nz; k+=nzm) {
for (j=0; j < nym; ++j) {
for (i=0; i < nxm; ++i) {
H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] += Hcoef * ((E[0][i + (j+1 + k*ny)*nxm] - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm]) \
- (E[1][i+1 + (j + k*nym)*nx] - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx]));
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=1; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=0; j < nym; j+=nym-1) {
for (i=0; i < nxm; ++i) {
H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] += Hcoef * ((E[0][i + (j+1 + k*ny)*nxm] - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm]) \
- (E[1][i+1 + (j + k*nym)*nx] - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx]));
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=1; k < nzm; ++k) {
for (j=1; j < nym-1; ++j) {
for (i=0; i < nxm; i+=nxm-1) {
H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] += Hcoef * ((E[0][i + (j+1 + k*ny)*nxm] - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm]) \
- (E[1][i+1 + (j + k*nym)*nx] - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx]));
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
step_outer_H_t += t2-t1;
Function to Update the DAB Values¶
This function uses the DAB library to compute updated values on the boundaries. This function does the same thing as the serial version on each process. In particular, we ask the boundary update for the data extents of the inputs it needs from the interior updates and then we copy those values into the DAB updater object. The only thing different from the serial case is that sometimes the DAB updater will request points that are not in the interior of the domain because we overlapped the process domains. To fix this, we simply skip any negative indexes.
void yee_updater::step_DAB()
int i, j, k, l, m;
int ind[3];
int nxm, nym;
int low_ind[3], high_ind[3];
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
if (isBoundaryProc) {
// loop over the boundary faces
for (l=0; l<6; ++l) {
// check to see if the current face is of type CRBC
if (procBounds[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
// loop over components
for (m=0; m<3; ++m) {
// get the indices the updater object expects as input from this face.
// Note that these values are inclusive
bound_upd[m].get_input_extents(l, low_ind, high_ind);
// Because we overlapped the grid the range may extend outside of the
// field arrays. To fix this, we simply change -1 -> 0 in the indexing
// if it occurs.
for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
low_ind[i] = (low_ind[i] == -1) ? 0 : low_ind[i];
// set extents for loops Ex has nx-1 in the x-direction, Ey has ny-1 in y-dir.
nxm = (m == 0) ? nx-1 : nx;
nym = (m == 1) ? ny-1 : ny;
// copy in the face values to the Ex faces
for (k=low_ind[2]; k<=high_ind[2]; ++k) {
for (j=low_ind[1]; j<=high_ind[1]; ++j) {
for (i=low_ind[0]; i<=high_ind[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
ind[1] = j;
ind[2] = k;
bound_upd[m].load_face_data(l, ind, E[m][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm]);
} // end if crbc
} // end for
// compute updates
} // end isBoundaryProc
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
step_DAB_t += t2-t1;
Function to Copy Updated DAB Values¶
This function copies the updated values from the DAB updater to the interior of the domain. Again, this is essentially identical to the serial case. We loop over all of the updaters, ask them what the output extents are and skip any negative indices that are caused by overlapping the grids. We also skip the normal components because the values should already be correct from the Yee updates.
void yee_updater::copy_DAB()
int i, j, k, l, m;
int ind[3];
int nxm, nym;
int low_ind[3], high_ind[3];
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
if (isBoundaryProc) {
// now copy the updated values from the DAB back into the fields. We only
// need to copy the tangential fields because the normal components should
// already be correct from the Yee updates.
// loop over the boundary faces
for (l=0; l<6; ++l) {
// check to see if the current face is of type CRBC
if (procBounds[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
// loop over components
for (m=0; m<3; ++m) {
// skip normal component
if (l/2 == m)
// get the indices the updater object expects to output from this face.
// Note that these values are inclusive
bound_upd[m].get_output_extents(l, low_ind, high_ind);
// Because we overlapped the grid the range may extend outside of the
// field arrays. To fix this, we simply change -1 -> 0 in the indexing
// if it occurs.
for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
low_ind[i] = (low_ind[i] == -1) ? 0 : low_ind[i];
// set extents for loops
nxm = (m == 0) ? nx-1 : nx;
nym = (m == 1) ? ny-1 : ny;
// copy in the face values to the Ex faces
for (k=low_ind[2]; k<=high_ind[2]; ++k) {
for (j=low_ind[1]; j<=high_ind[1]; ++j) {
for (i=low_ind[0]; i<=high_ind[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
ind[1] = j;
ind[2] = k;
E[m][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] = bound_upd[m].get_new_face_vals(l, ind);
} // end if crbc
} // end for
} // end isBoundaryProc
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
step_DAB_t += t2-t1;
Functions to Copy To and From DAB Updaters¶
The following functions are commonly used loops to copy data bewteen send and receive buffers and the DAB updaters. These differ from where we copy data to and from the solver and the DAB updater because these get data at all of the auxiliary recursion levels used in the DAB updaters.
There are two sets on loops in each function, one is for getting data from the auxiliary variables on a face and the other is for getting auxiliary data from the edge variables. The difference is that the face data has a single auxiliary index and the edge data is doubly indexed.
For simplicity, we just add the auxiliary variables to the vector by placing the data in the next available spot. We do this primarily to avoid having to do extra indexing that changes depending on the side and component. This means that we depend on these loops being executed in the same order, so it is not viable to use threading in this location.
The first function copies data from the updater object to the buffer
void yee_updater::get_dab_vals_loop(std::vector<double> &buffer,
crbc::CrbcUpdates<3, double, int> &updater,
const int &side,
const int *low,
const int *high,
const int *plow,
const int *phigh,
const bool &isedge)
We are depending on the order being the same
int i,j,k,p,q, ind[3];
if (isedge) {
int pind[2];
for (p=plow[0]; p<=phigh[0]; ++p) {
pind[0] = p;
for (q=plow[1]; q<=phigh[1]; ++q) {
pind[1] = q;
for (k=low[2]; k<=high[2]; ++k) {
ind[2] = k;
for (j=low[1]; j<=high[1]; ++j) {
ind[1] = j;
for (i=low[0]; i<=high[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
buffer.push_back(updater.get_edge_auxiliary_vars(side, ind, pind));
} // i
} // j
} // k
} // q
} // p
} else {
for (p=plow[0]; p<=phigh[0]; ++p) {
for (k=low[2]; k<=high[2]; ++k) {
ind[2] = k;
for (j=low[1]; j<=high[1]; ++j) {
ind[1] = j;
for (i=low[0]; i<=high[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
buffer.push_back(updater.get_auxiliary_vars(side, ind, p));
} // i
} // j
} // k
} // p
The second function copies data from the buffer to the updater object
void yee_updater::set_dab_vals_loop(std::vector<double> &buffer,
crbc::CrbcUpdates<3, double, int> &updater,
int &count,
const int &side,
const int *low,
const int *high,
const int *plow,
const int *phigh,
const bool &isedge)
We are depending on the order being the same
int i,j,k,p,q, ind[3];
if (isedge) {
int pind[2];
for (p=plow[0]; p<=phigh[0]; ++p) {
pind[0] = p;
for (q=plow[1]; q<=phigh[1]; ++q) {
pind[1] = q;
for (k=low[2]; k<=high[2]; ++k) {
ind[2] = k;
for (j=low[1]; j<=high[1]; ++j) {
ind[1] = j;
for (i=low[0]; i<=high[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
updater.set_edge_auxiliary_vars(side, ind, pind, buffer[count++]);
} // i
} // j
} // k
} // q
} // p
} else {
for (p=plow[0]; p<=phigh[0]; ++p) {
for (k=low[2]; k<=high[2]; ++k) {
ind[2] = k;
for (j=low[1]; j<=high[1]; ++j) {
ind[1] = j;
for (i=low[0]; i<=high[0]; ++i) {
ind[0] = i;
updater.set_auxiliary_vars(side, ind, p, buffer[count++]);
} // i
} // j
} // k
} // p
Function to Identify How to send DAB Auxiliary Variables¶
This function idientifies the directions and processor IDs that the current process needs to communicate DAB information.
Note this only checks the cases possible in this implementation. A more generic implementation would need to handle more cases. In particular, we can’t have 2 parallel faces that need to pass data from the same process since we are assuming each direction has the same number of processes and we do not need to pass any information if we only have 1 process.
We start by figuring out the possible directions we need to sent. We do this by
looping over all of the sides on the current process. If we find a side with the
boundary type of CRBC
, we then need to check to see if the neighboring sides have
a boundary type NONE
. We any sides that satisfy this check to a list.
void yee_updater::calc_DAB_send_params()
unsigned int l, m;
int tang_sides[4], diag_coords[3], diag_rank;
std::array<int, 2> corner_pairs;
// first identify the directions that we need to send
for (l=0; l<6; ++l) { // loop over sides
if (procBounds[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
for (m=0; m<6; ++m) { // loop over sides
if (l/2 == m/2)
continue; // skip parallel sides
if (procBounds[m] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE)
Next, it is possible that our list of direction we need to send has duplicates. This can occur if there process is at the edge or corner of the domain. We simply remove any duplicates using Standard Template Library Functions that are available in C++11.
// remove any duplicates in send_dirs
std::sort(send_dirs.begin(), send_dirs.end());
auto last = std::unique(send_dirs.begin(), send_dirs.end());
send_dirs.erase(last, send_dirs.end());
After we have a list of all of the directoins that we need to send data in, we create a list of all of the adjacent sides. (It is possible to do this with clever indexing, but it is much clearer to just use a case statement).
// loop over the send directions
for (l=0; l<send_dirs.size(); ++l) {
// figure out which sides need to send in the current direction
// start by listing the tangential sides
switch (send_dirs[l] / 2) {
case 0: // outward normal is +/-x
tang_sides[0] = 2; // left y
tang_sides[1] = 3; // right y
tang_sides[2] = 4; // left z
tang_sides[3] = 5; // right z
case 1: // outward normal is +/-y
tang_sides[0] = 0; // left x
tang_sides[1] = 1; // right x
tang_sides[2] = 4; // left z
tang_sides[3] = 5; // right z
case 2: // outward normal is +/-z
tang_sides[0] = 0; // left x
tang_sides[1] = 1; // right x
tang_sides[2] = 2; // left y
tang_sides[3] = 3; // left z
default: // shouldn't happen
for (m=0; m<4; ++m)
tang_sides[m] = -1;
std::cerr << "invalid side" << std::endl;
For each of the sides tangent to the send directions that are a DAB/CRBC boundary, we save the side to a list. Then we convert the local side index to the MPI rank of the neighboring process in the appropriate direction.
// check to see if any of the tangetial sides are a DAB/CRBC boundary
for (m=0; m<4; ++m) {
if (procBounds[tang_sides[m]] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
// finally change the directions from local side indices to the MPI ranks in
// the appropriate direction
for (l=0; l<send_dirs.size(); ++l) {
After we have dealt with the sides, we deal with any situations where we might need to send data diagonally. In particular, recall that we overlapped the grid by 2 points, so we have a data configuration that looks like
| |
o o o o Here, the process boundaries are represented
| | by -- or |. Grid points are represented by o, x
--x--o x--o--
--o--o o--o--
| |
x o x o
| |
Where the grid point x
has the same physical coordinates but is located at
different positions on each of the four processes. We note that the DAB uses the
7-point wave stencil, so the DAB updater is not able to update any of the points
on the process boundaries. However, due to the overlap, we see that we can get
these values from a neighboring process.
We’re ordering the possible corners in a standard way because this makes it easier to keep track of things when we’re actually doing the message passing. The ordering we are using is
CRBC side = 0 or 1 (x normal), tang. sides 2, 4 (South and Down)
CRBC side = 0 or 1 (x normal), tang. sides 2, 5 (South and Up)
CRBC side = 0 or 1 (x normal), tang. sides 3, 4 (North and Down)
CRBC side = 0 or 1 (x normal), tang. sides 3, 5 (North and Up)
CRBC side = 2 or 3 (y normal), tang. sides 0, 4 (West and Down)
CRBC side = 2 or 3 (y normal), tang. sides 0, 5 (West and Up)
CRBC side = 2 or 3 (y normal), tang. sides 1, 4 (East and Down)
CRBC side = 2 or 3 (y normal), tang. sides 1, 5 (East and Up)
CRBC side = 4 or 5 (z normal), tang. sides 0, 2 (West and South)
CRBC side = 4 or 5 (z normal), tang. sides 0, 3 (West and North)
CRBC side = 4 or 5 (z normal), tang. sides 1, 2 (East and South)
CRBC side = 4 or 5 (z normal), tang. sides 1, 3 (East and North)
Again, note that this does not cover all the cases for a generic implementation because we can not, e.g., have 2 parallel CRBC sides on the same process in the current configuration.
The following code does essentially the same as above, but this time it checks
for 2 perpendicular faces with boudnary type CRBC
that have a common neighbor
with the boundary type NONE
. It then figures out the neighbor diagonal to this
edge and saves the MPI rank of that neighbor.
// Start by checking for perpindicular sends from the same side
for (l=0; l<6; ++l) { // loop over sides
if (procBounds[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::CRBC) {
switch (l / 2) {
case 0: // outward normal is +/-x
tang_sides[0] = 2; // left y
tang_sides[1] = 3; // right y
tang_sides[2] = 4; // left z
tang_sides[3] = 5; // right z
case 1: // outward normal is +/-y
tang_sides[0] = 0; // left x
tang_sides[1] = 1; // right x
tang_sides[2] = 4; // left z
tang_sides[3] = 5; // right z
case 2: // outward normal is +/-z
tang_sides[0] = 0; // left x
tang_sides[1] = 1; // right x
tang_sides[2] = 2; // left y
tang_sides[3] = 3; // left z
default: // shouldn't happen
for (m=0; m<4; ++m)
tang_sides[m] = -1;
std::cerr << "invalid side" << std::endl;
for (m=0; m<4; ++m) { // loop tangential sides
// this checks the pairs (0,2), (0,3), (1,2), (1,3) of tangential sides
if ((procBounds[tang_sides[m/2]] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) &&
(procBounds[tang_sides[2+(m%2)]] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE)) {
corner_pairs = {tang_sides[m/2], tang_sides[2+(m%2)]};
send_corners[4*(l/2) + m] = {(int) l, tang_sides[m/2], tang_sides[2+(m%2)]};
// now figure out the mpi rank of the destination
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
diag_coords[i] = cart_rank[i];
// figure out the destination coords by adding +-1 to the coordinates
// of the current process in the appropriate dimensions
diag_coords[corner_pairs[0]/2] = (corner_pairs[0]%2 == 0) ? \
diag_coords[corner_pairs[0]/2]-1 : diag_coords[corner_pairs[0]/2]+1;
diag_coords[corner_pairs[1]/2] = (corner_pairs[1]%2 == 0) ? \
diag_coords[corner_pairs[1]/2]-1 : diag_coords[corner_pairs[1]/2]+1;
if (MPI_Cart_rank(grid_comm, diag_coords, &diag_rank) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Cart_rank failed" << std::endl;
// save rank
corner_mpi_dirs[4*(l/2) + m].push_back(diag_rank);
Function to send DAB Values¶
This function is responsible for sending the DAB auxiliary variables to neighboring processes when needed. The most important thing to remember here is that the DAB layer is only 3-points wide in the normal direction to the boundary. The only updates that the DAB layer does that require message passing are 7-point wave equation stencil updates and these updates are only used on the middle layer of points in the DAB. Therefore, we only need to send the DAB values in this middle layer (these points correspond to the auxiliary variables that are located at the output location of the DAB).
The idea is on each process, we will loop over all of the directions we need to send data in.
void yee_updater::send_DAB()
unsigned int i,l,m, side, sidea, sideb;
int edge;
int low[3], high[3], plow[2], phigh[2];
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
if (isBoundaryProc) {
// loop over the directions we need to send
for (l=0; l<send_dirs.size(); ++l) {
Next, we delete any data left over from the previous time step in the send and receive buffers for the current side. Then we loop over all of the boundary sides that need to send data in the current direction and also loop over all three boundary updater components.
side = send_dirs[l];
// clear the buffers for this direction
// loop over the sides we need to send in the current direction
for (m=0; m<send_sides[l].size(); ++m) {
// loop over the components
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
sidea = send_sides[l].at(m);
Then, we get the spatial indexing for the middle layer of auxiliary variables by asking the DAB updater objects for the output extents.
// get data extents for current component
// This gets us the indices for all the points on the plane
// parallel to the phyiscal boundary
bound_upd[i].get_output_extents(sidea, low, high);
The ouput extents covers the entire plane of points parallel to the DAB boundary, but
we only need to send the second to last line of points parallel to the neigboring process
where we are sending the data. We can get the component of the indices we need to
change using side / 2
(here 0 corresponds to sending in the x-direction, 1
corresponds to sending the y-direction, and 2 corresponds to sending in the z-direction).
Then we can determine if we are sending “right” or “left” by using side % 2
We use this information to modify the data extents: if we send left, we add 1 to
the low extent to start at the 2nd line of points and set the high extent to this
new low extent so we stop after this line. Similarly, if we send right, we subtract
1 from the high extent to finish at the 2nd last line of points and set the low extent
to this new high extent so we also start at the 2nd to last line of points.
// now we need to restrict to second to last line of points parallel to
// the boundary we are sending. side / 2 gives us the component of the
// extents we need to modify and side % 2 tells us if we need to modify
// the low or high extents. Here, we also adjust for the overlap
// based on the component
if (side % 2 == 0) { // left side in the appropriate direction
high[side / 2] = (side / 2 == i) ? ++low[side / 2] : ++low[side / 2];
} else { // right side in the appropriate direction
low[side / 2] = (side / 2 == i) ? --high[side / 2] : --high[side / 2];
Finally, we copy the DAB auxiliary variables into the send buffer
// copy data auxilliary data into the send buffer
plow[0] = 0; // auxilliary index bounds
phigh[0] = bound_upd[i].get_num_recursions(sidea);
get_dab_vals_loop(DAB_sbuf[side], bound_upd[i], sidea, low, high, plow, phigh);
} // loop over components
} // end loop over sides in the current direction
Next we do the exact same thing for any edges that we need to send. The only difference here is the boundary updater now returns a line of points when we ask for the output extents and we need to restrict this list to the 2nd to last point on the line. We do this in the same way that we restricted the plane to a line for the face data above and then we copy the auxiliary values into the send buffer.
// now send any edge data
if (send_sides[l].size() == 2) {
// loop over the components
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
// get edge index
edge = bound_upd[i].get_edge_index(send_sides[l][0], send_sides[l][1]);
// get edge data extents
bound_upd[i].get_edge_extents(edge, low, high, plow, phigh);
// now we need to restrict to second to last point parallel to
// the boundaries we are sending. side / 2 gives us the component of the
// extents we need to modify and side % 2 tells us if we need to modify
// the low or high extents
if (side % 2 == 0) { // left side in the appropriate direction
high[side / 2] = (side / 2 == i) ? ++low[side / 2] : ++low[side / 2];
} else { // right side in the appropriate direction
low[side / 2] = (side / 2 == i) ? --high[side / 2] : --high[side / 2];
// the true at the end tells the function plow, phigh are arrays of len 2
get_dab_vals_loop(DAB_sbuf[side], bound_upd[i], edge, low, high, plow, phigh, true);
} // end loop over components
} // end if 2 sides
Finally, we actually send the data. We use non-blocking sends in the hope that
the time it takes to compute the H-field updates will mask most or all
of the communication. All of the sends and receives happen in pairs, so if process
1 sends data to process 2, process 1 should also recieve data from process 2.
We use a tag of 1
to indicate that this is a DAB send.
// create and save requests
MPI_Request sreq, rreq;
// Send --- we use a tag of 1 for DAB send and 0 for E-field sends
if (MPI_Isend(DAB_sbuf[side].data(), DAB_sbuf[side].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, \
send_mpi_dirs[l], 1, grid_comm, &DAB_send_req.back()) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Isend failed" << std::endl;
// make sure the recieve buffer is large enough
if (DAB_rbuf[side].size() < DAB_sbuf[side].size())
DAB_rbuf[side].assign(DAB_sbuf[side].size(), 0.0);
// Recieve
if (MPI_Irecv(DAB_rbuf[side].data(), DAB_rbuf[side].size(), MPI_DOUBLE,
send_mpi_dirs[l], 1, grid_comm, &DAB_recv_req.back()) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Isend failed" << std::endl;
} // end loop over send directions
Next we deal with any diagonal sends we might have. This works very similarly to
the above, but this time a given DAB face will get 2 directions to send, which
corresponds to sending diagonally (e.g. up and to the left). As before, we get
the output extents from the boundary updater and need to restrict this plane to
the 2nd to last line of points parallel to sidea
and then we need to further
restrict this line of points to the 2nd to last point to sideb
. Again, we
do this in the same way as before, we just do it once for sidea
and once for
. Then we copy the auxiliary variables into the corner DAB send buffer
and set up non-blocking sends and receives as before.
// Finally send anything diagonally that we need to
// loop over the sides
for (l=0; l<12; ++l) {
// loop over directions we need to send on the current side
for (m=0; m<corner_mpi_dirs[l].size(); ++m) { // this should either be 1 or 0
// clear the buffers for this direction
// loop over the components
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
// get the two send directions and the CRBC face
side = send_corners[l][0]; // crbc/dab face
sidea = send_corners[l][1]; // send direction 1
sideb = send_corners[l][2]; // send direction 2
// get data extents for current component
// This gets us the indices for all the points on the plane
// parallel to the phyiscal boundary
bound_upd[i].get_output_extents(side, low, high);
// now we need to restrict to second to last line of points parallel to
// the boundary we are sending. side / 2 gives us the component of the
// extents we need to modify and side % 2 tells us if we need to modify
// the low or high extents. Here, we also adjust for the overlap
// based on the component
if (sidea % 2 == 0) { // left side in the appropriate direction
high[sidea / 2] = ++low[sidea / 2];
} else { // right side in the appropriate direction
low[sidea / 2] = --high[sidea / 2];
if (sideb % 2 == 0) { // left side in the appropriate direction
high[sideb / 2] = ++low[sideb / 2];
} else { // right side in the appropriate direction
low[sideb / 2] = --high[sideb / 2];
// copy data auxilliary data into the send buffer
plow[0] = 0; // auxilliary index bounds
phigh[0] = bound_upd[i].get_num_recursions(side);
get_dab_vals_loop(DAB_corner_sbuf[l], bound_upd[i], side, low, high, plow, phigh);
} // loop over components
// now actually send the data.
// create and save requests
MPI_Request sreq, rreq;
// Send --- we use a tag of 1 for DAB send and 0 for E-field sends
if (MPI_Isend(DAB_corner_sbuf[l].data(), DAB_corner_sbuf[l].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, \
corner_mpi_dirs[l][m], 1, grid_comm, &DAB_send_req.back()) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Isend failed" << std::endl;
// make sure the recieve buffer is large enough
if (DAB_corner_rbuf[l].size() < DAB_corner_sbuf[l].size())
DAB_corner_rbuf[l].assign(DAB_corner_sbuf[l].size(), 0.0);
// Recieve
if (MPI_Irecv(DAB_corner_rbuf[l].data(), DAB_corner_sbuf[l].size(), MPI_DOUBLE,
corner_mpi_dirs[l][m], 1, grid_comm, &DAB_recv_req.back()) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Isend failed" << std::endl;
} // end loop over directions we need to send on the current side
} // end if boundary proc
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
send_DAB_t += t2-t1;
Function to Receive DAB Values¶
This function is the counterpart to send_DAB()
and is responsible copying the
received values into the DAB auxiliary variable structures. The process is almost
identical, but the main difference is that we send the second to last point(s) and
we want to copy this values into the last row of points. We start by making sure
that the sends have completed.
void yee_updater::recv_DAB()
// note the recieve directions are the same as the send directions, so we do
// almost exactly the same thing here as in send_DAB() except we copy from the
// buffers to the DAB.
unsigned int i,l,m, side, edge, sidea, sideb;
int count;
int low[3], high[3], plow[2], phigh[2];
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
// make sure all of the recieves are complete before we use the data
if (MPI_Waitall(DAB_recv_req.size(), DAB_recv_req.data(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Waitall failed (DAB_recv_req)" << std::endl;
Then we start by looping over the sides in exactly the same way as we did in the
send routine. It is very important that we do this in the same order because we
added the data to the buffers using push_back
and not by using an indexing
convention so we must read the data back in the same order to get the correct
// copy the values from the buffers
if (isBoundaryProc) {
// loop over the directions we need to send
for (l=0; l<send_dirs.size(); ++l) {
// used for indexing
count = 0;
side = send_dirs[l];
// loop over the sides we need to send in the current direction
for (m=0; m<send_sides[l].size(); ++m) {
// loop over components
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
sidea = send_sides[l].at(m);
// This gets us the indices for all the points on the plane
// parallel to the phyiscal boundary
bound_upd[i].get_output_extents(sidea, low, high);
Now, if we are receiving from the left we set high index extent to the low index extent to get the leftmost set of points in the appropriate component. Similary coming from the right we set the low index extent to the high index extent to get the rightmost set of points. Then we copy the auxiliary variables from the receive buffer into the DAB updater object.
// now we need to restrict to last line of points parallel to
// the boundary we are sending. side / 2 gives us the component of the
// extents we need to modify and side % 2 tells us if we need to modify
// the low or high extents
if (side % 2 == 0) { // left side in the appropriate direction
high[side / 2] = low[side / 2];
} else { // right side in the appropriate direction
low[side / 2] = high[side / 2];
// copy data auxilliary data into the send buffer
plow[0] = 0; // auxilliary index bounds
phigh[0] = bound_upd[i].get_num_recursions(sidea);
set_dab_vals_loop(DAB_rbuf[side], bound_upd[i], count, sidea, low, high, plow, phigh);
} // end loop over sides in the current direction
Next, we do the edges in the same manner.
// now receive any edge data
if (send_sides[l].size() == 2) {
// loop over components
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
// get edge index
edge = bound_upd[i].get_edge_index(send_sides[l][0], send_sides[l][1]);
// get edge data extents
bound_upd[i].get_edge_extents(edge, low, high, plow, phigh);
// now we need to restrict to last point parallel to
// the boundaries we are sending. side / 2 gives us the component of the
// extents we need to modify and side % 2 tells us if we need to modify
// the low or high extents
if (side % 2 == 0) { // left side in the appropriate direction
high[side / 2] = low[side / 2];
} else { // right side in the appropriate direction
low[side / 2] = high[side / 2];
// the true at the end tells the function plow, phigh are arrays of len 2
set_dab_vals_loop(DAB_rbuf[side], bound_upd[i], count, edge, low, high, plow, phigh, true);
} // end if 2 sides
} // end loop over send directions
Finally, we follow the same procedure to copy any diagonaly sent data into the DAB updaters.
// Finally get anything diagonally that we need
// loop over the sides
for (l=0; l<12; ++l) {
// loop over directions we need to send on the current side
for (m=0; m<corner_mpi_dirs[l].size(); ++m) {
// used for indexing
count = 0;
// loop over the components
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
// get the two send directions and the CRBC face
side = send_corners[l][0]; // crbc/dab face
sidea = send_corners[l][1]; // send direction 1
sideb = send_corners[l][2]; // send direction 2
// get data extents for current component
// This gets us the indices for all the points on the plane
// parallel to the phyiscal boundary
bound_upd[i].get_output_extents(side, low, high);
// now we need to restrict to second to last line of points parallel to
// the boundary we are sending. side / 2 gives us the component of the
// extents we need to modify and side % 2 tells us if we need to modify
// the low or high extents. Here, we also adjust for the overlap
// based on the component
if (sidea % 2 == 0) { // left side in the appropriate direction
high[sidea / 2] = low[sidea / 2];
} else { // right side in the appropriate direction
low[sidea / 2] = high[sidea / 2];
if (sideb % 2 == 0) { // left side in the appropriate direction
high[sideb / 2] = low[sideb / 2];
} else { // right side in the appropriate direction
low[sideb / 2] = high[sideb / 2];
// copy data auxilliary data into the send buffer
plow[0] = 0; // auxilliary index bounds
phigh[0] = bound_upd[i].get_num_recursions(side);
set_dab_vals_loop(DAB_corner_rbuf[l], bound_upd[i], count, side, low, high, plow, phigh);
} // loop over components
} // end loop over directions we need to send on the current side
} // end if boundary proc
Before completing the routine, we make sure all of the data sends have been completed.
// make sure all the sends have completed
if (MPI_Waitall(DAB_send_req.size(), DAB_send_req.data(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Waitall failed (DAB_send_req)" << std::endl;
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
recv_DAB_t += t2-t1;
Function to Send E-Field Values¶
This function is responsible for sending the E-field values to neighboring process that need the updated values. When sending the E-fields, due to the staggared grid of the Yee scheme, it is only necessary to send the tangential field components.
Unlike the DAB sends, we do not precompute a list of the required send directions,
so we begin by looping over all of the sides and checking to see if we need to
send any data, which is indicated by a boundary type of NONE
void yee_updater::send_E()
int i,j,k, min[3], max[3], n[3], data_ext[2], comp;
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = 0;
max[0] = nx;
max[1] = ny;
max[2] = nz;
n[0] = nx;
n[1] = ny;
n[2] = nz;
// loop over the the directions we may need to send values
for (int l=0; l<6; ++l) {
// clear any old entries
// (re)set the min loop indices
min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = 0;
// check to see if we need to send data in the current direction
if (procBounds[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) {
Next we figure out the loop extents. If we are sending left, we need the second plane of points from the “left” boundary so we set the min index to 1 and the max index to 2 in the appropriate component. Similary, if we send right, we need the second to last plane of points so we set the min index to the max minus 2 and subtract 1 from the max.
// figure out the loop indices.
if (l % 2 == 0) { // left side set index in normal direction to 1
min[l/2] = 1;
max[l/2] = 2; // (l/2) gives normal component
} else { // right side set index to n-2
min[l/2] = n[l/2] - 2;
max[l/2] = n[l/2] - 1; // (l/2) gives normal component
Next we identify a tangential component. The components that are the tangential
to the direction to l/2
can be computed by ((l/2) + 1) % 3)
and ((l/2) + 2) % 3)
comp = ((l/2) + 1) % 3;
Next, we figure out the indices for the current component. They should be
0:n in the direction tangent to l/2` and ``comp
and 0:n-1 for the direction
normal to comp
. Note the max``and ``min
indexing extents correspond to the
field values and the data_ext
correspond to the data strides in the x
max[comp] = n[comp] - 1;
data_ext[0] = (comp == 0) ? nx-1 : nx;
data_ext[1] = (comp == 1) ? ny-1 : ny;
// for the tangential component, the possible pairs of (l/2) and comp are
// (0,1) (0,2) or (1,2), up to ordering
// We want to map (0,1) -> 2, (0,2) -> 1, and (1,2) -> 0 and we can do that
// with the following formula:
// (2*((l/2) + comp) % 3)
max[2*((l/2) + comp) % 3] = n[2*((l/2) + comp) % 3];
// now copy the current component into the buffer
for (k = min[2]; k<max[2]; ++k)
for (j = min[1]; j<max[1]; ++j)
for (i = min[0]; i<max[0]; ++i)
E_sbuf[l].push_back(E[comp][i + (j + k*data_ext[1])*data_ext[0]]);
After copying the values into the send buffer, we do exactly the same thing for the second tangential component.
// now do the other possible component
comp = ((l/2) + 2) % 3;
// figure out indices for the current component. T
max[comp] = n[comp] - 1;
data_ext[0] = (comp == 0) ? nx-1 : nx;
data_ext[1] = (comp == 1) ? ny-1 : ny;
max[2*((l/2) + comp) % 3] = n[2*((l/2) + comp) % 3];
// now copy the current component into the buffer
for (k = min[2]; k<max[2]; ++k)
for (j = min[1]; j<max[1]; ++j)
for (i = min[0]; i<max[0]; ++i)
E_sbuf[l].push_back(E[comp][i + (j + k*data_ext[1])*data_ext[0]]);
Finally, we send the data using non-blocking MPI routines.
// finally, send the data
MPI_Request sreq, rreq;
if (MPI_Isend(E_sbuf[l].data(), E_sbuf[l].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_DIR[l], 0, grid_comm, &send_req.back()) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Isend failed" << std::endl;
// make sure the receive buffer is big enough
if (E_sbuf[l].size() > E_rbuf[l].size())
E_rbuf[l].assign(E_sbuf[l].size(), 0.0);
if (MPI_Irecv(E_rbuf[l].data(), E_sbuf[l].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_DIR[l], 0, grid_comm, &recv_req.back()) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Isend failed" << std::endl;
} // end if boundary type == none
Next, we handle any diagonal sends that need to occur. The idea is the same as above but this time we only need to send that component that is tangent to the two send directions. For example, if the send is up (in the y-direction) and to the left (in the x-direction) we need to send the Ez component. We start by looping over the possible diagonal directions.
// now do any diagonal sends
for (std::size_t l=0; l<MPI_EDGE_DIR.size(); ++l) {
// clear any old entries
We figure out which component we need to send. It will be the component
that is tangent to both send directions. For example, if there are
sends in the x and y directions, we need to send the Ez (E[2) component
We get this with (2*((send_edges[l][0]/2) + (send_edges[l][1]/2)) % 3)
comp = (2*((send_edges[l][0]/2) + (send_edges[l][1]/2)) % 3);
Next, we adjust in the indexing as before, but this time we do it twice for each of the send directions.
// now figure out the loop extents. This is the same as the sides, but we
// need to adjust for shifts in two directions instead of 1.
min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = 0;
for (i=0; i<2; ++i) {
if (send_edges[l][i] % 2 == 0) { // left side set index in normal direction to 1
min[send_edges[l][i]/2] = 1;
max[send_edges[l][i]/2] = 2; // (l/2) gives normal component
} else { // right side set index to n-2
min[send_edges[l][i]/2] = n[send_edges[l][i]/2] - 2;
max[send_edges[l][i]/2] = n[send_edges[l][i]/2] - 1;
max[comp] = n[comp] - 1;
data_ext[0] = (comp == 0) ? nx-1 : nx;
data_ext[1] = (comp == 1) ? ny-1 : ny;
Finally, we copy the data into a buffer and use non-blocking messages.
// now copy the current component into the buffer
for (k = min[2]; k<max[2]; ++k)
for (j = min[1]; j<max[1]; ++j)
for (i = min[0]; i<max[0]; ++i)
E_edge_sbuf[l].push_back(E[comp][i + (j + k*data_ext[1])*data_ext[0]]);
// finally, send the data
MPI_Request sreq, rreq;
if (MPI_Isend(E_edge_sbuf[l].data(), E_edge_sbuf[l].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_EDGE_DIR[l], 0, grid_comm, &send_req.back()) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Isend failed" << std::endl;
// make sure the receive buffer is big enough
if (E_edge_sbuf[l].size() > E_edge_rbuf[l].size())
E_edge_rbuf[l].assign(E_edge_sbuf[l].size(), 0.0);
if (MPI_Irecv(E_edge_rbuf[l].data(), E_edge_sbuf[l].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_EDGE_DIR[l], 0, grid_comm, &recv_req.back()) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Isend failed" << std::endl;
// stop timer
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
send_E_t += t2-t1;
Function to Receive E field Values¶
This function copies the recieved E-field values into the proper place. It does
essentially the same thing as the send_E()
function but copies data from the
buffers to the boundary data on the appropriate side.
void yee_updater::recv_E()
int i,j,k, min[3], max[3], n[3], data_ext[2], comp, ind;
double t1, t2;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
First we wait to make sure all of the receives have been completed.
// make sure all of the receives are complete
if (MPI_Waitall(recv_req.size(), recv_req.data(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Waitall failed (recv_req)" << std::endl;
// clear the receive requests
Then we loop over all of the sides again as before and check to see if we expect to receive data on each side. Note that it is important that we check the sides in the same order as in the send function because that is the order that the data will be in the receive buffer.
min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = 0;
max[0] = nx;
max[1] = ny;
max[2] = nz;
n[0] = nx;
n[1] = ny;
n[2] = nz;
// loop over the the directions we may get data
for (int l=0; l<6; ++l) {
// (re)set the min loop indices
min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = 0;
// check to see if we need to send data in the current direction
if (procBounds[l] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) {
As before, we adjust the loop index extents, but this time we select either the first point if we’re receiving from the left or the last point if we’re receiving from the right.
// figure out the loop indices.
if (l % 2 == 0) { // left side set index in normal direction to 0
max[l/2] = 1; // (l/2) gives normal component
} else { // right side set index to n-1
min[l/2] = n[l/2] - 1;
max[l/2] = n[l/2]; // (l/2) gives normal component
The next section of code is identical to the send case except that we copy the data into the fields from the buffers.
// the other indices will depend on the E component we are sending
// The components are the tangential directions to (l/2) so we can
// get these with ((l/2) + 1) % 3) and ((l/2) + 2) % 3).
comp = ((l/2) + 1) % 3;
// figure out indices for the current component. The should be
// 0:n in the direction tangent to l/2 and comp and 0:n-1 for the
// direction normal to comp
max[comp] = n[comp] - 1;
data_ext[0] = (comp == 0) ? nx-1 : nx;
data_ext[1] = (comp == 1) ? ny-1 : ny;
// for the tangential component, the possible pairs of (l/2) and comp are
// (0,1) (0,2) or (1,2), up to ordering
// We want to map (0,1) -> 2, (0,2) -> 1, and (1,2) -> 0 and we can do that
// with the following formula:
// (2*((l/2) + comp) % 3)
max[2*((l/2) + comp) % 3] = n[2*((l/2) + comp) % 3];
// now copy the current component into the buffer
ind = 0;
for (k = min[2]; k<max[2]; ++k)
for (j = min[1]; j<max[1]; ++j)
for (i = min[0]; i<max[0]; ++i)
E[comp][i + (j + k*data_ext[1])*data_ext[0]] = E_rbuf[l][ind++];
// now do the other possible component
comp = ((l/2) + 2) % 3;
// figure out indices for the current component.
max[comp] = n[comp] - 1;
data_ext[0] = (comp == 0) ? nx-1 : nx;
data_ext[1] = (comp == 1) ? ny-1 : ny;
max[2*((l/2) + comp) % 3] = n[2*((l/2) + comp) % 3];
// now copy the current component into the buffer
for (k = min[2]; k<max[2]; ++k)
for (j = min[1]; j<max[1]; ++j)
for (i = min[0]; i<max[0]; ++i)
E[comp][i + (j + k*data_ext[1])*data_ext[0]] = E_rbuf[l][ind++];
} // end if boundary type == none
Next we do the same process to copy the diagonal send buffers into the field values.
// now do any diagonal receives
for (std::size_t l=0; l<MPI_EDGE_DIR.size(); ++l) {
// figure out which component we need to send. It will be the component
// that is tangent to both send directions. For example, if there are
// sends in the x and y directions, we need to send the Ez (E[2) component
// We get this with (2*((send_edges[l][0]/2) + (send_edges[l][1]/2)) % 3)
comp = (2*((send_edges[l][0]/2) + (send_edges[l][1]/2)) % 3);
// now figure out the loop extents. This is the same as the sides, but we
// need to adjust for shifts in two directions instead of 1.
min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = 0;
for (i=0; i<2; ++i) {
if (send_edges[l][i] % 2 == 0) { // left side set index in normal direction to 0
max[send_edges[l][i]/2] = 1; // (l/2) gives normal component
} else { // right side set index to n-1
min[send_edges[l][i]/2] = n[send_edges[l][i]/2] - 1;
max[send_edges[l][i]/2] = n[send_edges[l][i]/2];
max[comp] = n[comp] - 1;
data_ext[0] = (comp == 0) ? nx-1 : nx;
data_ext[1] = (comp == 1) ? ny-1 : ny;
// now copy the current component into the buffer
for (k = min[2]; k<max[2]; ++k)
for (j = min[1]; j<max[1]; ++j)
for (i = min[0]; i<max[0]; ++i)
E[comp][i + (j + k*data_ext[1])*data_ext[0]] = E_edge_rbuf[l][ind++];
Finally, we wait to make sure all of the sends have been completed.
// make sure all the sends have completed
if (MPI_Waitall(send_req.size(), send_req.data(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE) != MPI_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "MPI_Waitall failed (send_req)" << std::endl;
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
recv_E_t += t2-t1;
Function to Load Intitial Values¶
This function simply evaulates the solution routine at the initial time at all of the grid points. It’s important to remember here that the E-fields and the H-fields are half a timestep apart so they should be loaded at different locations in time. Also note that the solution routine has an option to compute the derivatives (in particular, the curl) with the same finite differences used in the Yee scheme. It is advantageous to do this because it will result in a numerically divergence free initial condition.
void yee_updater::load_initial_conds() {
int i,j,k, nxm, nym, nzm;
double x[3];
nxm = nx-1;
nym = ny-1;
nzm = nz-1;
double t1, t2;
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
// set the solution routine to use the Yee schemes FD operator to compute the
// curl in the solution. We do this to get a numerically div free initial
// condition
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(i,j,k,x)
// load Ex values
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k<nz; ++k) {
for (j=0; j<ny; ++j) {
for (i=0; i<nxm; ++i) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i + h/2.0;
E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] = sol_obj.get_Ex_solution(x, Etime);
// load Ey values
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k<nz; ++k) {
for (j=0; j<nym; ++j) {
for (i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j + h/2.0;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i;
E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] = sol_obj.get_Ey_solution(x, Etime);
// load Ez values
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k<nzm; ++k) {
for (j=0; j<ny; ++j) {
for (i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k + h/2.0;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i;
E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx] = sol_obj.get_Ez_solution(x, Etime);
// load Hx values
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k<nzm; ++k) {
for (j=0; j<nym; ++j) {
for (i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k+ h/2.0;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j+ h/2.0;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i;
H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] = sol_obj.get_Hx_solution(x, Htime);
// load Hy values
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k<nzm; ++k) {
for (j=0; j<ny; ++j) {
for (i=0; i<nxm; ++i) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k+ h/2.0;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i+ h/2.0;
H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] = sol_obj.get_Hy_solution(x, Htime);
// load Hz values
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for (k=0; k<nz; ++k) {
for (j=0; j<nym; ++j) {
for (i=0; i<nxm; ++i) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j+ h/2.0;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i+ h/2.0;
H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] = sol_obj.get_Hz_solution(x, Htime);
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
load_init_conds_t += t2-t1;
Function to Calculate the Norm¶
This function calculates the norm \(\varepsilon \|E\|^2 + \mu \|H\|^2\). There are two things to point out here: the first is that the grids are overlapped so we have to take this into account so we don’t cound some points twice and second we have a skip variable so we can skip points at a regular interval. Note that the way this is set up, if skip > 1 then it is possible to get different norms from the same simulation if using different numbers of processes because we don’t account for where the last point was sampled on neighboring processes. This is important if you want to use the norm, but does not have much effect if the relative norm is computed (or if you divide by the number of points sampled).
double yee_updater::calc_norm()
int nxm, nym, nzm, is, js, ks;
double norm = 0.0, temp = 0.0;
nxm = nx-1;
nym = ny-1;
nzm = nz-1;
double t1, t2;
int i, j, k;
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(i,j,k)
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
// we'll assume the process to the "left" owns any duplicate points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0; // Ex is normal
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
// load Ex values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nz; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<ny; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nxm; i+=skip) {
temp += E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] * E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm];
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0; // Ey is normal
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
// load Ey values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nz; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<nym; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nx; i+=skip) {
temp += E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] * E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx];
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0; // Ez is normal
// load Ez values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nzm; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<ny; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nx; i+=skip) {
temp += E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx] * E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx];
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp single
norm = eps*temp;
temp = 0.0;
#pragma omp barrier
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0; // Hx is normal
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
// load Hx values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nzm; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<nym; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nx; i+=skip) {
temp += H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx] * H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx];
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0; // Hy is normal
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
// load Hy values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nzm; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<ny; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nxm; i+=skip) {
temp += H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm] * H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm];
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0; // Hz is normal
// load Hz values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nz; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<nym; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nxm; i+=skip) {
temp += H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm] * H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm];
norm += temp*mu;
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
calc_norm_t += t2-t1;
return norm;
Function to Calculate Error¶
Finally we have a function to compute the error. This function is essentially
identical to the norm()
function except it computes \(\varepsilon \|E - E_{exact}\|^2 + \mu \|H - H_{exact}\|^2\)
double yee_updater::calc_error()
int nxm, nym, nzm, is, js, ks;
double error = 0.0, temp = 0.0, sol, x[3];
nxm = nx-1;
nym = ny-1;
nzm = nz-1;
double t1, t2;
int i, j, k;
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
// set the solution routine to use the exact expression for the curl
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(i,j,k,x,sol)
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
// we'll assume the process to the "left" owns any duplicate points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0; // Ex is normal
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
// load Ex values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nz; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<ny; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nxm; i+=skip) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i + h/2.0;
sol = sol_obj.get_Ex_solution(x, Etime) - E[0][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm];
temp += sol * sol;
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0; // Ey is normal
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
// load Ey values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nz; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<nym; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nx; i+=skip) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j + h/2.0;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i;
sol = sol_obj.get_Ey_solution(x, Etime) - E[1][i + (j + k*nym)*nx];
temp += sol * sol;
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0; // Ez is normal
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
// load Ez values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nzm; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<ny; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nx; i+=skip) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k + h/2.0;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i;
sol = sol_obj.get_Ez_solution(x, Etime) - E[2][i + (j + k*ny)*nx];
temp += sol * sol;
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp single
error = eps*temp;
temp = 0.0;
#pragma omp barrier
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0; // Hx is normal
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
// load Hx values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nzm; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<nym; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nx; i+=skip) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k + h/2.0;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j + h/2.0;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i;
sol = sol_obj.get_Hx_solution(x, Htime) - H[0][i + (j + k*nym)*nx];
temp += sol * sol;
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0; // Hy is normal
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
// load Hy values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nzm; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<ny; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nxm; i+=skip) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k + h/2.0;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i + h/2.0;
sol = sol_obj.get_Hy_solution(x, Htime) - H[1][i + (j + k*ny)*nxm];
temp += sol * sol;
// figure out where the indexing starts in the case of shared points
is = (procBounds[0] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0; // Hz is normal
js = (procBounds[2] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 1 : 0;
ks = (procBounds[4] == crbc::BoundaryProperties::NONE) ? 2 : 0;
// load Hz values
#pragma omp for reduction(+:temp) collapse(3)
for (k=ks; k<nz; k+=skip) {
for (j=js; j<nym; j+=skip) {
for (i=is; i<nxm; i+=skip) {
x[2] = coord[2] + h*k;
x[1] = coord[1] + h*j + h/2.0;
x[0] = coord[0] + h*i + h/2.0;
sol = sol_obj.get_Hz_solution(x, Htime) - H[2][i + (j + k*nym)*nxm];
temp += sol * sol;
error += temp*mu;
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
calc_err_t += t2-t1;
return error;
Example Driver¶
The following code is an example of how to use the yee_updater
class described
above to run a simulation.
First we the header file for the yee_updater
class, C++ output routines and
to get the pow
#include "yee_mpi.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int nprocs, id, procs_per_dim, n, p;
double t, crbc_t, w, t1, t2;
Next we read in some command line input so we can change some problem parameters without having to recompile.
// read commandline input
// expect ./foo w n t crbc_t tol
// where
// w is the domain width
// n is the number of grid points
// t is the simulation time
// crbc_t is the crbc time parameter
// p is the number of recurions
if (argc < 6) {
return 1;
} else {
w = std::atof(argv[1]);
n = std::atoi(argv[2]);
t = std::atof(argv[3]);
crbc_t = std::atof(argv[4]);
p = std::atoi(argv[5]);
Then we initialize MPI and get the communicator size and the rank of each process.
// intialize MPI
if ( MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << "Error in MPI_Init" <<std::endl;
return -1;
// start timer
t1 = MPI_Wtime();
if ( MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nprocs) != MPI_SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << "Error in MPI_Comm_size" <<std::endl;
return -1;
if ( MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id) != MPI_SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << "Error in MPI_Comm_rank" <<std::endl;
return -1;
Next, we print out the total number of processes in the communicator. We take the cuberoot of this number to get the number of processes per spatial dimension.
if (id == 0)
std::cout << "nprocs = " << nprocs << std::endl;
// calculate the largest integer cube root
procs_per_dim = floor(std::pow(nprocs + 1e-8, 1.0/3.0));
if (id == 0)
std::cout << "using " << procs_per_dim << " per dimension" << std::endl;
Next we initialize a yee_updater
object by giving it the parameters we got
from the command line as well as telling it to generate at approximately every
0.1 (time units) and to sample every point for the error calculations.
yee_updater solver(comm, procs_per_dim, w, n, t, crbc_t, p, 0.1, 1);
Finally, we try to run the simulation and print out the timing data if the run is successful. Then we tell the solver to free the communicators it has created so we don’t leak memory.
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "id = " << id << " failed in solver.run() --- a standard exception was caught, with message '"
<< e.what() << "'" << std::endl;
MPI_Abort(comm, -2);
Finally, we print out the timer and call MPI_finalize()
t2 = MPI_Wtime();
if (id == 0)
std::cout << std::endl << "Wall time = " << t2-t1 << std::endl;
return 0;
} // end main
The most straightforward way to compile this example is to use a simple makefile. It is also possible to use CMake, but this usually requires that the entire YeeCRBC library be compiled with MPI compilers, which is unnecessary.
The following is a sample makefile that could be used:
# specify the C and C++ MPI compilers to use
CC = mpicc
CPP = mpic++
# set the compiler flags for C and C++
CPPFLAGS = -Wall -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11
# specify the location of the YeeCRBC library header files. Note that the default
# install location is /usr/local/include/crbc
CPPINC = /usr/local/include/crbc
# specify the location of the optimal cosines source file (this is available
# from the utilities section of rbcpack.org or from the /src/optimal_cosines
# directory in the YeeCRBC component of rbcpack
CSRC = optimal_cosines.c
COBJ = optimal_cosines.o
# specify the locations of the C++ source files
CPPSRC = solutions.cpp yee_mpi.cpp
CPPOBJ = solutions.o yee_mpi.o
# specify the C++ driver source files
CPPDRIVER = yee_mpi_example.cpp
# specify executable name
CPPEXEC = yee_mpi_example.x
# this builds the actual executable
$(CPP) yee_mpi_example.cpp $(CPPOBJ) $(COBJ) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(CPPINC) -o $(CPPEXEC)
# the following build all of the object files
optimal_cosines.o : optimal_cosines.c
$(CC) optimal_cosines.c $(CFLAGS) -c
solutions.o : solutions.cpp
$(CPP) solutions.cpp $(CPPFLAGS) -c
yee_mpi.o : yee_mpi.cpp
$(CPP) yee_mpi.cpp $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(CPPINC) -c
# delete the executable and all of the object files
clean :
rm -f $(CPPOBJ) $(COBJ) $(CPPEXEC)
Sample Output¶
The following is an example of the output generated by running the example with the following command
mpirun -np 8 ./yee_mpi_example.x 1.6 251 5 5 4
This corresponds to a problem on the domain \([-0.8,0.8]^3\) using 251 grid points in each direction. This problem is run for 5 seconds using 4 CRBC recursions.
nprocs = 8
using 2 per dimension
tstep = 0 T (E) = 0 err = 1262.5 rel err = 0.00104602
tstep = 27 T (E) = 0.0987685 err = 2710.69 rel err = 0.0022459
tstep = 54 T (E) = 0.197537 err = 4917.68 rel err = 0.00407446
tstep = 81 T (E) = 0.296305 err = 7229.54 rel err = 0.00598992
tstep = 108 T (E) = 0.395074 err = 9248.97 rel err = 0.00766308
tstep = 135 T (E) = 0.493842 err = 8923.6 rel err = 0.0073935
tstep = 162 T (E) = 0.592611 err = 6035.17 rel err = 0.00500034
tstep = 189 T (E) = 0.691379 err = 3847.98 rel err = 0.00318818
tstep = 216 T (E) = 0.790148 err = 2171.66 rel err = 0.00179929
tstep = 243 T (E) = 0.888916 err = 913.153 rel err = 0.000756578
tstep = 270 T (E) = 0.987685 err = 376.69 rel err = 0.000312101
tstep = 297 T (E) = 1.08645 err = 226.356 rel err = 0.000187543
tstep = 324 T (E) = 1.18522 err = 212.431 rel err = 0.000176007
tstep = 351 T (E) = 1.28399 err = 210.298 rel err = 0.000174239
tstep = 378 T (E) = 1.38276 err = 208.868 rel err = 0.000173054
tstep = 405 T (E) = 1.48153 err = 207.345 rel err = 0.000171793
tstep = 432 T (E) = 1.5803 err = 205.702 rel err = 0.000170431
tstep = 459 T (E) = 1.67906 err = 204.123 rel err = 0.000169123
tstep = 486 T (E) = 1.77783 err = 202.654 rel err = 0.000167906
tstep = 513 T (E) = 1.8766 err = 201.369 rel err = 0.000166841
tstep = 540 T (E) = 1.97537 err = 200.143 rel err = 0.000165825
tstep = 567 T (E) = 2.07414 err = 199.028 rel err = 0.000164902
tstep = 594 T (E) = 2.17291 err = 197.434 rel err = 0.000163581
tstep = 621 T (E) = 2.27167 err = 195.083 rel err = 0.000161633
tstep = 648 T (E) = 2.37044 err = 193.575 rel err = 0.000160383
tstep = 675 T (E) = 2.46921 err = 192.648 rel err = 0.000159615
tstep = 702 T (E) = 2.56798 err = 191.402 rel err = 0.000158583
tstep = 729 T (E) = 2.66675 err = 190.822 rel err = 0.000158103
tstep = 756 T (E) = 2.76552 err = 190.572 rel err = 0.000157895
tstep = 783 T (E) = 2.86429 err = 190.464 rel err = 0.000157806
tstep = 810 T (E) = 2.96305 err = 190.403 rel err = 0.000157755
tstep = 837 T (E) = 3.06182 err = 190.364 rel err = 0.000157723
tstep = 864 T (E) = 3.16059 err = 190.344 rel err = 0.000157707
tstep = 891 T (E) = 3.25936 err = 190.339 rel err = 0.000157702
tstep = 918 T (E) = 3.35813 err = 190.337 rel err = 0.0001577
tstep = 945 T (E) = 3.4569 err = 190.336 rel err = 0.0001577
tstep = 972 T (E) = 3.55566 err = 190.336 rel err = 0.0001577
tstep = 999 T (E) = 3.65443 err = 190.336 rel err = 0.0001577
tstep = 1026 T (E) = 3.7532 err = 190.336 rel err = 0.0001577
tstep = 1053 T (E) = 3.85197 err = 190.337 rel err = 0.0001577
tstep = 1080 T (E) = 3.95074 err = 190.336 rel err = 0.0001577
tstep = 1107 T (E) = 4.04951 err = 190.329 rel err = 0.000157694
tstep = 1134 T (E) = 4.14828 err = 190.321 rel err = 0.000157688
tstep = 1161 T (E) = 4.24704 err = 190.317 rel err = 0.000157684
tstep = 1188 T (E) = 4.34581 err = 190.315 rel err = 0.000157683
tstep = 1215 T (E) = 4.44458 err = 190.314 rel err = 0.000157681
tstep = 1242 T (E) = 4.54335 err = 190.313 rel err = 0.00015768
tstep = 1269 T (E) = 4.64212 err = 190.312 rel err = 0.00015768
tstep = 1296 T (E) = 4.74089 err = 190.311 rel err = 0.000157679
tstep = 1323 T (E) = 4.83965 err = 190.311 rel err = 0.000157679
tstep = 1350 T (E) = 4.93842 err = 190.31 rel err = 0.000157679
tstep = 1366 T (E) = 4.99695 err = 190.31 rel err = 0.000157679
The example also outputs some timing data. We include it here to show the functionality, but note that the simulation was run on a laptop so the actual data is likely not very informative. We have formatted the output into a table for readability.
Process ID |
Calc Params |
Create Comms |
Alloc Mem |
Init DABs |
Step E |
Step Inner H |
Step Outer H |
Step DAB |
Send DAB |
Recv DAB |
Send E |
Recv E |
Load ICs |
Calc Norm |
Calc Err |
Total |
0 |
2.38e-07 |
0.004 |
0.10571 |
0.154 |
107.0 |
96.76 |
11.85 |
172.8 |
2.026 |
1.32 |
3.36 |
8.70 |
4.27 |
0.035 |
51.1 |
459.613 |
1 |
7.15e-07 |
0.004 |
0.10432 |
0.152 |
105.0 |
97.86 |
12.30 |
171.7 |
1.890 |
1.46 |
3.64 |
10.4 |
4.20 |
0.034 |
50.7 |
459.673 |
2 |
2.38e-07 |
4e-05 |
0.105881 |
0.154 |
105.6 |
97.77 |
11.81 |
172.9 |
2.047 |
1.15 |
3.59 |
10.9 |
4.25 |
0.035 |
50.8 |
461.456 |
3 |
2.38e-07 |
4e-05 |
0.104705 |
0.152 |
103.3 |
95.33 |
12.45 |
171.5 |
1.354 |
1.74 |
3.90 |
15.3 |
4.18 |
0.034 |
49.6 |
459.253 |
4 |
2.38e-07 |
0.004 |
0.106265 |
0.154 |
105.3 |
96.20 |
12.06 |
173.2 |
1.663 |
1.36 |
3.98 |
12.2 |
4.28 |
0.039 |
50.3 |
460.99 |
5 |
2.38e-07 |
0.004 |
0.104194 |
0.153 |
102.9 |
94.03 |
12.51 |
170.6 |
0.9274 |
1.57 |
4.46 |
17.7 |
4.17 |
0.034 |
49.8 |
459.23 |
6 |
2.38e-07 |
0.004 |
0.0990539 |
0.154 |
105.8 |
95.70 |
12.23 |
173.1 |
1.756 |
1.02 |
3.56 |
13.4 |
4.21 |
0.034 |
50.2 |
461.609 |
7 |
7.15e-07 |
0.004 |
0.103947 |
0.149 |
104.0 |
96.83 |
12.85 |
170.7 |
1.408 |
1.65 |
3.58 |
13.6 |
4.14 |
0.034 |
48.7 |
458.085 |
Total |
2.86e-06 |
0.024 |
0.834076 |
1.226 |
839.4 |
770.5 |
98.10 |
1376 |
13.07 |
11.3 |
30.1 |
102 |
33.7 |
0.281 |
401 |
3679.91 |